Euroconferences in Mathematics on Crete |
Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics
August 20-26, 2005
Conference Program
Invited Lectures
(Click on title to get the abstract. Click on "slides" to get the slides, if available).
Contributed Talks
(Click on "slides" to get the slides, if available).
James Cruickshank: The face lattice of the alternahedron
Peter Fiebig: An approach towards Kazhdan-Lusztig combinatorics
Gunnar Fløystad: Enriched homology and cohomology modules of simplicial and cell complexes
Axel Hultman: Coloring complexes: shellability and generalizations
Anargyros Katsabekis: Graver bases, matchings in simplicial complexes and toric varieties (slides)
Tyrrell McAllister: Ehrhart quasi-polynomials of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients (slides)
Frédéric Meunier: Sperner labellings: combinatorial approach
Eran Nevo: The lower bound theorem for doubly Cohen-Macaulay complexes.
Benjamin Nill: Reflexive polytopes (slides)
David Orden: On the structure of point sets minimizing the rectilinear crossing number (slides)
Andreas Paffenholz: Constructions of 2-simple and 2-simplicial 4-polytopes (slides)
Julian Pfeifle: Dissections, Hom-complexes and the Cayley trick (slides)
Anna Pratoussevitch: Tilings of the anti de Sitter space and its universal cover
Pavel Tumarkin: Hyperbolic Coxeter polytopes
Nikolaus Witte: Polytopes with large signature (slides)
Rade Živaljević: Combinatorial groupoids and their applications (slides)