

The exposure information available in Tongatapu Island is the compilation that was finalized in 2010 under the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Financing and Insurance Initiative (PCRAFI) project . The exposure database of PCRAFI contains country-specific information on buildings, roads, special infrastructure, crops and population. For the economic assessment of losses, we have relied on PCRAFI estimated replacement values.

In PCRAFI each building has associated a replacement cost expressed in 2010 US dollars (USD). Each building has the attributes of Occupation, Construction Type, Replacement Cost, Area, and Number of Stories.

Road and special infrastructures
The replacement coast has been obtained from the PCRAFI report (The World Bank 2013).
The roads have also been classified based on the hazard value in transitable (water depth<0.3m) or not transitable (water depth>0.3m).

The crops layer from the PCRAFI database contains the major cash-crops, their location, typology and replacement cost. The typology has been divided into three main classes, tree crops, root crops, and intercrops.

The population layer comes from SPC and is updated at 2020, it is a 90m raster, representing the population at each cell. No economic damage is assessed to the population, however according to Cox et al. (2010) different safety threads have been defined based on water depth (similar with wind) what can be more useful on a forecasted event.