Choque: Momento lineal


Fig. 126 During a collision between two bodies there exist some force (here represented by a spring-like line linking both particles) between them. This force is subject to Newton’s third law which imposes a constraint on the variation of the total linear momentum of the system.

(260)\[\frac{d\vec{p}_T}{dt}=\frac{d\vec{p}_1}{dt}+ \frac{d\vec{p}_2}{dt} = \vec{F}_{21} + \vec{F}_{12} = 0\]

Magnitudes escalares

I am writing an equation inline \(x=-i\hbar\psi=\hat{h}\psi\).

If the equation is by itself,


I am going to add a figure


Fig. 127 Here is my figure caption!

:::{admonition,warning} This is also Markdown This text is standard Markdown :::

:::{admonition,note} This is also Markdown This text is standard Markdown :::

:::{admonition,tip} This is also Markdown This text is standard Markdown :::

Magnitudes vectoriales

There are many ways to write content in Jupyter Book. This short section covers a few tips for how to do so.

I am going to cite a reference [HdHPK14]

Now I am going to cite section escalares Sec. Magnitudes escalares

The Schrödinger equation is Eq. (195)

I am citing the figure: Fig. 102


Problemas y ejemplos resueltos

  • This is the text of a problem

I can start solving like this


Some text needs to go between sidebars


And at the end

  • This is the text of another problem
