
Fig. 99 Work measures how well the force applied over a particle projects along the trajectory followed by the object.¶

Fig. 100 Work does not exactly correspond what we imagine it is in the real work. Who is doing the most work, A or B?¶

Fig. 101 Depending on the relative directions of the force (the weight in this case) and the displacement, work can be positive when both are parallel or negative if they are antiparallel.¶
Magnitudes escalares¶
I am writing an equation inline \(x=-i\hbar\psi=\hat{h}\psi\).
If the equation is by itself,
I am going to add a figure

Fig. 102 Here is my figure caption!¶
:::{admonition,warning} This is also Markdown This text is standard Markdown :::
:::{admonition,note} This is also Markdown This text is standard Markdown :::
:::{admonition,tip} This is also Markdown This text is standard Markdown :::
Magnitudes vectoriales¶
There are many ways to write content in Jupyter Book. This short section covers a few tips for how to do so.
I am going to cite a reference [HdHPK14]
Now I am going to cite section escalares Sec. Magnitudes escalares
The Schrödinger equation is Eq. (195)
I am citing the figure: Fig. 102
Problemas y ejemplos resueltos¶
This is the text of a problem
I can start solving like this
Some text needs to go between sidebars
And at the end
This is the text of another problem