Description | Code |
Introduction First C++ program that says hello Test arithmetic operations Sum from 1 to an upperbound using a while-loop Sum the odd and even numbers from 1 to an upperbound Convert temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit Testing type cast Print Size of Fundamental Types Test integer limits in <climits> header Testing Primitive Types Testing mix-type arithmetic operations Test Arithmetic Overflow/Underflow Test on increment (++) and decrement (--) Operator Test implicit type casting Testing Explicit Type Cast Test Type Casting Sum from 1 to a given upperbound and average Statistics of positive integers List non-prime from 1 to an upperbound List primes from 1 to an upperbound List primes from 1 to an upperbound use break A mystery series Print square pattern Testing string class input and output Example on C++ string function Test Formatting Output Test Formatting Input Test local array initialization FMean and standard deviation in an array Testing For-each loop Test Multi-dimensional Array Test C-string |
hello.cpp TestArithmetics.cpp SumNumbers.cpp SumOddEven.cpp ConvertTemperature.cpp TestCastingAverage.cpp SizeofTypes.cpp TestLimits.cpp TestLiteral.cpp TestMixTypeOp.cpp TestOverflow.cpp TestIncDec.cpp TestImplicitTypeCast.cpp Average1to100.cpp TestTypeCast.cpp SumNumbers.cpp StatNumbers.cpp NonPrimeList.cpp PrimeListWithBreak.cpp PrimeList.cpp Mystery.cpp PrintSquarePattern.cpp TestStringIO.cpp TestStringOp.cpp TestFormattedOutput.cpp TestFormattedInput.cpp TestArrayInit.cpp MeanStdArray.cpp TestForEach.cpp Test2DArray.cpp TestCString.cpp |
Functions: Test Function Testing max function Test Boolean function Test Function default arguments Test Function Overloading Function to compute the sum of an array Types passed by value into Function Function to increment each element of an array Linear Search an array for the given key Test Pass-by-reference parameter Test Random Number Generation Test rand() distribution (throwing a die) |
TestFunction.cpp TestMaxFunction.cpp BooleanfunctionTest.cpp functionDefaultArgument.cpp FunctionOverloading.cpp SumArray.cpp TestPassByValue.cpp IncrementArray.cpp LinearSearch.cpp TestPassByReference.cpp TestRand.cpp TestRandomDie.cpp |
Test File I/O (Read and write files) | TestFileIO.cpp |
Example Namespace | NamespaceEx.cpp |
Struct: Testing struct Testing struct inside struct Testing struct (Person) |
TestStruct.cpp TestStruct1.cpp TestStructPerson.cpp |
Test Inline Function | TestInlineFunction.cpp |
Test #define macro | TestMacro.cpp |
Test Ellipses | TestEllipses.cpp |
Test Scope Resolution Operator | TestScopeResolutionOperator.cpp |
Command line arguments Write command line arguments Command line calculator (int): num1 num2 operator |
arg_comm.cpp Arithmetic.cpp |
Pointers: Test pointer declaration and initialization Test reference declaration and initialization References vs. Pointers Pass-by-value into function Pass-by-reference using pointer Pass-by-reference using reference |
TestPointerInit.cpp TestReferenceDeclaration.cpp TestReferenceVsPointer.cpp TestPassByValue1.cpp TestPassByPointer.cpp TestPassByReference1.cpp |
Test Function const and non-const parameter | FuncationConstParameter.cpp |
Passing back return value using reference | TestPassByReferenceReturn.cpp |
Test passing the result | TestPassResultLocal.cpp |
Test passing the result | TestPassResultNew.cpp |
Dynamically allocate global pointers | TestDynamicAllocation.cpp |
Test dynamic allocation of array | TestDynamicArray.cpp |
Pointer and Array | TestPointerArray.cpp |
Passing array in/out function | TestArrayPassing.cpp |
Passing array in/out function using pointer | TestArrayPassingPointer.cpp |
Test sizeof array | TestSizeofArray.cpp |
Lagrange Interpolation:
(x_{0}, y_{0}), ..., (x_{k}, y_{k})
L(x) = \sum_{j=0}^{k} \prod_{i = 0, i\neq j}^{k} y_{j}\frac{x - x_{i}}{x_{j} - x_{i}}
- arrays - dynamic memory - dynamic memory and struct |
lagrangearr.cpp lagrangep.cpp lagrangeps.cpp |
Function to compute the sum of a range of an array | SumArrayRange.cpp |
Testing C-string | TestCString1.cpp |
Function to count the occurrence of a char in a string | FCountChar.cpp |
Test Function Pointers | TestFunctionPointer.cpp |
Search an array for a key using Binary Search | BinarySearch.cpp |
Sorting an array: using Bubble Sort using Insertion Sort using Selection Sort using Merge Sort using Merge Sort with bottom-up interactive algorithm using Quick Sort Bucket Sort (Radix Sort) |
BubbleSort.cpp InsertionSort.cpp SelectionSort.cpp MergeSort.cpp MergeSortInteractive.cpp QuickSort.cpp BucketSort.cpp |
Testing Simple File IO | TestSimpleFileIO.cpp |
Testing Binary File IO | TestBinaryFileIO.cpp |
Strings: Strings Strings 1 Guess a secret word |
stringcpp.cpp stringcpp1.cpp WordGuess.cpp |
Numerical methods: Calculation of derivative Calculation of derivative (central method) Calculation of derivative (trick method) Calculation of integral (trapezoidal method) Calculation of integral (simpson method) Calculation of integral (adaptive method) Calculation of integral (adaptive simpson method) Calculation of integral (gauss-legendre method) Calculation of integral (gauss-legendre method break) Calculation of integral (montecarlo method) Calculation of integral (euler method) Root calculation (Newton method) Root calculation (Newton + Secant method) ODE solution Runge Kutta 4 method |
derivada.cpp derivada1.cpp derivada2.cpp integraltrapez.cpp integralsimpson.cpp integraladap.cpp integralsimpsonadap.cpp integralgaussleg.cpp integralgausslegbreak.cpp montecarlo_integ.cpp euler.cpp newton_root.cpp newtondernum_root.cpp rk4.cpp |
Matrices: Dynamically Allocate Memory for 2D Array (*) Dynamically Allocate Memory for 2D Array (**) Dynamically Allocate Memory for 3D Array Matrix operations (pointers) Image smoothing (pointers) Image Histogram (pointers) Matrix operations (vector) |
array2dp.cpp array2dpp.cpp array3dppp.cpp operac_matric.cpp suavizado.cpp histo.cpp matrix_vector.cpp |
Pi calculation: Liu-Hui Method Liebniz Method |
pi_Liu_Hui_meth.cpp pi_Liebniz_meth.cpp |
Recursion, backtracking: GCD Change base Factorial Tower of Hanoi Branch and Bound Knight's tour Eight queens Sudoku |
gcd.cpp cambiabase.cpp factorial.cpp thanoi.cpp b_b.cpp knight.cpp reinas.cpp sudoku.cpp, Example sudoku |