TESLA System: Samoa
TESLA System: Samoa#
Time-Varying Emulator of Short and Long-Term Analysis of Natural Hazards
Framework designed to create hypothetical combinations of relevant flood hazard potential processes by simulating the climate and weather patterns that drive coastal flooding.
Swells, Wind Waves, Tides, MMSL
Tropical cyclones (Surge, Waves)
Climate Variability
Emulation of Thousands of years of plausible multivariate events
Create project directory
import os
import os.path as op
# Project local path
p_project = '/Users/albacid/Projects/TeslaKit.2.0_projects/SAMOA'
if not os.path.isdir(p_project): os.makedirs(p_project)
# Folder folder for needed input data
p_data = op.join(p_project,'resources')
if not os.path.isdir(p_data): os.makedirs(p_data)
Input data needed in resources folder:
Estela for the site
gshhg-shp-2.3.7 # Global coastline
h056a.nc # Tide gauge
h401b.nc # Tide gauge
IBTrACS.ALL.v04r00.nc # Historical TCs
MJO_hist.nc # Historical MJO
SST_1854_2020_Pacific. # Historical SST
SLP_hind_daily_wgrad.nc # Historical SLP and gradients of SLP
Nakajo_tracks # TC tracks from Nakajo database
indices_histnak_samoa_r8.nc # Simulated TCs with SHyTCWaves