TESLA System: Samoa#


Time-Varying Emulator of Short and Long-Term Analysis of Natural Hazards

Framework designed to create hypothetical combinations of relevant flood hazard potential processes by simulating the climate and weather patterns that drive coastal flooding.

  • Swells, Wind Waves, Tides, MMSL

  • Tropical cyclones (Surge, Waves)

  • Climate Variability

  • Emulation of Thousands of years of plausible multivariate events


Create project directory

import os
import os.path as op

# Project local path
p_project = '/Users/albacid/Projects/TeslaKit.2.0_projects/SAMOA'

if not os.path.isdir(p_project): os.makedirs(p_project)

# Folder folder for needed input data
p_data = op.join(p_project,'resources')

if not os.path.isdir(p_data): os.makedirs(p_data)
Copy to clipboard

Input data needed in resources folder:

  • Estela for the site

  • gshhg-shp-2.3.7 # Global coastline

  • h056a.nc # Tide gauge

  • h401b.nc # Tide gauge

  • IBTrACS.ALL.v04r00.nc # Historical TCs

  • MJO_hist.nc # Historical MJO

  • SST_1854_2020_Pacific. # Historical SST

  • SLP_hind_daily_wgrad.nc # Historical SLP and gradients of SLP

  • Nakajo_tracks # TC tracks from Nakajo database

  • indices_histnak_samoa_r8.nc # Simulated TCs with SHyTCWaves