bluemath modules:
astronomical_tide - Astronomical Tide calculations
binwaves - Waves Spectra reconstruction
ddviewer - Data downloader
greensurgerepo - Winds reconstruction
kma - KMeans Classification library
mda - MaxDiss Classification library
pca - Customized Principal Component Analysis library
rainfall_forecast - Rainfall calculations
riskscape - multi-hazard risk analysis application
seasonal_foreacst_tcs - TCs Seasonal Forecast methodology
shytcwaves - Hybrid TC-induced Waves model
superpoint - Waves Super Spectra methodology
tc_forecast - TC forecast calculations and plots
tc_warnings - TC warning downloader
teslakit2 - Time-Varying Emulator of Short and Long-Term Analysis of Natural Hazards
winds - Multiple Wind related calculations libraries
wswan - SWAN Numerical Model Wrapper
plotting - set of modules for data and output plotting
climate science related software dependencies:
wavespectra - python library for ocean wave spectra
olas - ESTELA methodology
pyTMD - python based tidal prediction software