

This Multi-hazard Impact Forecast System has been developed as the part of the Pacific Resilience Program (PREP) funded by the World Bank and implemented at the regional and national level by the Pacific Community, Pacific Island Forum Secretariat and Samoa, Tonga, Marshall Islands and Vanuatu. The current activity specifically targets interventions in Tonga and Samoa to improve their preparedness to coastal inundation through the strengthening of the Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems (MHEWS).

Figure below summarizes the project outputs on a conceptual framework, showing the different tasks developed within the consultancy, as well as the interrelation between them. The four main components of the project are the following:

  1. The development of a demonstration forecast system for swells, tropical cyclones and earthquake-tsunami driven inundations, as well as TC-induced wind and rainfall damages.

  2. The development of a real-time wave observation system, and facilitate the access to global and regional databases (in orange, Figure 1).

  3. The knowledge transfer on the development & operationalization of the impact-based forecast system, which is represented in yellow boxes, and comprises the local stakeholders training on coastal hazards and the forecast system itself to provide autonomy on the development of their own models, confidence on the interpretation of the results, and engagement for the maintenance of the wave observation and forecast system.

