Dr. Ing. Pablo Sánchez

Assistant Professor

Universidad de Cantabria

Personal Data

Pablo's photo NamePablo Sánchez Barreiro
AddressFacultad de Ciencias, Avda. Los Castros S/N, Santander, CP. 39005 (Spain)
Phone(+34) 942 201430
Fax(+34) 942 201402
Mailp.sanchez (at) unican.es
DepartmentDpto. Ing. Informática y Electrónica
UniversityUniversidad de Cantabria


Lidia Fuentes and Pablo Sánchez. "AO Approaches for Component Adaptation". Proc. of the 2nd Workshop on Coordination and Adaption Techniques (WCAT), 19th European Conference on Object Oriented Programming (ECOOP), 79-86, Glasgow (Scotland), July 2005.
José Luis Blanco, Javier González, Pablo Sánchez, Gregorio Ambrosio and Juan A. Fernández-Madrigal. "Extracción de Grupos Perceptuales en Imágenes a partir de Técnicas de Partición Espectral de Grafos" Actas de las 26 Jornadas de Automática (JA), 1129-1134, Alicante (Spain), September 2005. (Available only in Spanish)
Lidia Fuentes and Pablo Sánchez. "Desarrollo de Software con Aspectos Dirigido por Modelos". Actas del Taller de Desarrollo Software Orientado a Aspectos, (DSOA), I Congreso Espa�ol de Informática (CEDI), Granada (Spain), September 2005. (Available only in Spanish)
Andrew Jackson, Pablo Sánchez, Lidia Fuentes and Siobhán Clarke. "Towards Traceability between AO Architecture and AO Design". Proc, of the 8th Workshop on Early Aspects (EA), 5th Int. Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD), 33-40, Bonn (Germany), March 2006.
Lidia Fuentes and Pablo Sánchez. "Elaborating UML 2.0 Profiles for AO Design". Proc. of the 8th Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modelling (AOM), 5th Int. Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD), Bonn (Germany), March 2006.
Lidia Fuentes and Pablo Sánchez. "A Generic MOF Metamodel for Aspect-Oriented Modelling" Proc. of the Joint Meeting of the 4th Workshop on Model-Based Development of Computer-Based Systems and the 3rd Int. Workshop on Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MBD/MOMPES), 113-122, Postdam (Germany), March 2006. IEEE CS.
Lidia Fuentes and Pablo Sánchez. "AO Approaches for Component Coordination". Proc. of the 3rd Workshop on Coordination and Adaption Techniques (WCAT), 20th European Conference on Object Oriented Programming (ECOOP), 43-52, Nantes (France), July 2006.
Pablo Sánchez, José Magno, Lidia Fuentes, Ana Moreira and João Araújo. "Towards MDD Transformations from Aspect-Oriented Requirements to Aspect-Oriented Architecture". Proc. of the 3rd European Workshop on Software Architecture (EWSA), Volker Gruhn and Flavio Oquendo (Eds), LNCS 4344:159�174, Nantes (France), September 2006. Springer. (Best paper award)
Pablo Sánchez, José Magno, Ana Moreira, Lidia Fuentes and João Araújo."A Generic Core MOF Metamodel for AORE". Actas de las XI Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD), 532-537, Sitges (Spain), October 2006.
Lidia Fuentes and Pablo Sánchez."Towards Aspect-Oriented UML Executable Models". Proc. of the 10th Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modelling (AOM), 6th Int. Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD), 28-34, Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada), March 2007. ACM DL.
Lidia Fuentes and Pablo Sánchez."Execution of Aspect Oriented UML Models". Proc. of the 3rd European Conference on Model-Driven Architecture - Foundations and Applications (ECMDA-FA), David H. Akehurst, Régis Vogel and Richard F. Paige (Eds), LNCS 4530:83�98, Haifa (Israel), June 2007. Springer.
Lidia Fuentes and Pablo Sánchez. "Aspect-Oriented Coordination". Proc. of the 3rd Int. Workshop on Coordination and Adaption Techniques for Software Entities (WCAT), Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) 189:87-103, July 2007. Elsevier.
Lidia Fuentes and Pablo Sánchez. "Designing and Weaving Aspect-Oriented Executable UML models". Journal of Object Technology (JOT)- Special Issue on Aspect-Oriented Modelling, 6(7):109-136, August 2007. ETH.
Pablo Sánchez, Lidia Fuentes, Andrew Jackson and Siobhán Clarke. "Aspects at the Right Time". Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (TAOSD), Special issue on Early Aspects, Awais Rashid, Mehmet Aksit, João Araújo and Elissa Banassiad (editors), LNCS 4640:54�113, November 2007. Springer.
Pablo Sánchez, Dominik Stein and Stefan Hanenberg."State Charts as an Intermediate Representation of JPDDs which Help Developers to Map Them to Executable Artifacts" Proc. of the 12th Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modelling (AOM), 7th Int. Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD), 31-36, Brussels (Belgium), March-April 2008. ACM DL.
Lidia Fuentes, Nadia Gámez and Pablo Sánchez. "Aspect-Oriented Executable UML Models for Context-Aware Pervasive Applications" Proc. of the 5th Int. Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES), 34-43, Budapest (Hungary), April 2008. IEEE CS.
Neil Loughran, Pablo Sánchez, Alessandro Garcia and Lidia Fuentes. "Language Support for Managing Variability in Architectural Models" Proc. of the 7th Int. Symposium on Software Composition (SC), Cesare Pautasso and Éric. Tanter (Eds), LNCS 4954:36-51, Budapest (Hungary), April 2008. Springer.
Lidia Fuentes, Jorge Manrique and Pablo Sánchez. "Pópulo: A Tool for Debugging UML Models" Proc. of the 30th Int. Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Companion Volume (Research demonstration):955-956, Leipzig (Germany), May 2008. IEEE CS.
Lidia Fuentes, Jorge Manrique and Pablo Sánchez. "Execution and Simulation of (Profiled) UML Models using Pópulo". Proc. of the 2nd Int. Workshop on Modelling in Software Engineering (MISE), 30th Int. Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE):75-81, Leipzig (Germany), May 2008. IEEE CS
Pablo Sánchez, Neil Loughran, Lidia Fuentes and Alessandro Garcia. "Engineering Languages for Specifying Product-derivation Processes in Software Product Lines" Proc. of the 1st Int. Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE), Dragan Gašević, Ralf Lämmel and Eric Van Wyk (Eds). LNCS 5452: 188-297, Toulouse (France), September 2008. Springer.
Pablo Sánchez, Lidia Fuentes, Dominik Stein, Stefan Hanenberg and Rainer Unland. "Aspect-Oriented Model Weaving Beyond Model Composition and Model Transformation" Proc. of the 11th Int. Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS), Krzysztof Czarnecki, Ileana Ober, Jean-Michel Bruel, Axel Uhl and Markus Völter (Eds), LNCS 5301:766-781, Toulouse (France), September-October 2008. Springer.
Lidia Fuentes, Nadia Gámez and Pablo Sánchez. "Variability in AmI Middleware Context-Awareness Service" Proc. of the 1st Int. Ambient Intelligence Forum (AmIF), Peter Mikilecký, Tereza Lišková, Pavel Čech and Vladimir Bureš (Eds): 82-89, Hradec Králové (Czech Republic), October 2008. IOS Press.
Lidia Fuentes, Mónica Pinto and Pablo Sánchez. "Generating CAM Aspect-Oriented Architectures using Model-Driven Development". Information of Software and Technology, 50(12):1248-1265, November 2008. Elsevier.
Lidia Fuentes, Nadia Gámez and Pablo Sánchez. "Managing Variability of Ambient Intelligence Middleware". International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence. 1(1):64-74, January-March 2009. IGI Global.
Lidia Fuentes, Nadia Gámez and Pablo Sánchez. "Aspect-Oriented Design and Implementation of Context-Aware Pervasive Applications" Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 5(1):79-93, March 2009.
Lidia Fuentes, Carlos Nebrera and Pablo Sánchez. "Feature-Oriented Model-Driven Software Product Lines: The TENTE approach" Proc. of the Forum of the 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Systems (CAiSE), Eric Yu, Johann Eder and Colette Rolland (Eds), CEURS Workshops(453):67-72, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), June 2009.
Lidia Fuentes and Pablo Sánchez. "Dynamic Weaving of Aspect-Oriented Executable UML Models". Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (TAOSD), Special issue on Model-Driven Engineering, Awais Rashid, Harold Ossher, Robert France, and Jean-Marc Jézéquel (Eds). LNCS 5560:1-38, October 2009. Springer.
Steffen Zschaler, Pablo Sánchez, João Santos, Mauricio Alférez, Awais Rashid, Lidia Fuentes, Ana Moreira, João Araújo and Uirá Kulesza. "VML* - A Family of Languages for Variability Management in Software Product Lines". Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE), Mark van de Brand, Dragan Gašević, Jeff Gray (Eds); LNCS(5969):82-102, Denver (Colorado, USA), October 2009.
Pablo Sánchez, Ana Moreira, Lidia Fuentes, João Araújo and José Magno. "Model-Driven Development for Early Aspects". Information of Software and Technology 52(3):249-273, March 2010. Elsevier.
Florian Heidenreich, Pablo Sánchez, João Santos, Steffen Zschaler, Mauricio Alférez, João Araújo, Lidia Fuentes, Uirá Kulesza, Ana Moreira and Awais Rashid."Relating Feature Models to Other Models of a Software Product Line - A Comparative Study of Feature Mapper and VML". Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (TAOSD), Special issue on A Common Case Study for Aspect-Oriented Modeling Approaches, Shmuel Katz, Mira Mezini, Jörg Kienzle (Eds). LNCS 6210:69-114, October 2010. Springer
Dominik Stein, Pablo Sánchez, Stefan Hanenberg, Lidia Fuentes and Rainer Unland. "Facilitating the Exploration of Join Point Selection in Aspect-Oriented Models" Proc. of the 15th International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modelling (AOM), 13th Int. Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS), Oslo (Norway), October 2010.
Steffen Zschaler, Pablo Sánchez, Mauricio Alférez, João Santos, Ana Moreira, João Araújo, Uirá Kulesza and Lidia Fuentes. "Variability Management" Aspect-Oriented, Model-Driven Software Product, Awais Rashid, Jean-Claude Royer and Andreas Rummler (Eds), Cambridge University Press. September 2011.
Pablo S�nchez, Carlos Nebrera, Lidia Fuentes, Steffen Zchasler and Vaidas Gasiunas. "Product-Driven Software Product Line Engineering" Aspect-Oriented, Model-Driven Software Product, Awais Rashid, Jean-Claude Royer and Andreas Rummler (Eds), Cambridge University Press. September 2011.
Pablo S�nchez. "El Abogado del Diablo como T�cnica de Trabajo en Grupo" XVII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI), Sevilla (Spain), July 2011. (Available only in Spanish).
Pablo S�nchez, Marta Zorilla, Rafael Duque and Alicia Nieto-Reyes. "Are Models Easier to Understand than Code? An Empirical Study on Comprehension of ER models vs SQL code", Journal of Computer Science Education (To appear).


I have been member of the AOSD-Europe Network of Excellence, where I contribute to the Applications Lab (WP9) and Analysis and Design Lab (WP6) (IST-2-004349-NOE AOSD-Europe) AOSD-Europe Logo
I have actively participated in a collaboration project between the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and the University of Málaga (HP2004-0015)
I have participated in the project "Software Development for Distributed P2P Systems", (TIN2005-09405-C02-01) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education.
I am actively participating in the project "Automation of the Software Developement Process for Aspect-Oriented Application using Model-Driven Techniques", (TIN2008-01942), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
I have actively participated in the European STREP Project (IST-33710) AMPLE (Aspect-Oriented Model-Driven Product Line Engineering) Ample Logo

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