International Steering Committee/Advisory Committee (11)
- ICCSA'2003 - The 2003 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Montreal (Canada), 18-21 May 2003.
- ICCSA'2004 - The 2004 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Assisi (Italy), 14-17 May 2004.
- ICCSA'2005 - The 2005 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Singapore, 22-25 May 2005.
- ICCSA'2006 - The 2006 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Glasgow (Scotland) 8-11 May 2006.
- ICMS'2006 - The Second International Conference on Mathematical Software. Castro Urdiales (Spain) 1-3 September 2006.
- ICCSA'2007 - The 2007 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 26-29 August 2007.
- ICCSA'2008 - The 2008 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Perugia (Italy), 30 June -3 July 2008.
- ICCIT'2008 - International Conference on Convergence Information Technology. Busan (Korea), 2008.
- ICCSA'2009 - The 2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Yongin (Korea), 29 June - 2 July 2009.
- ICCSA'2010 - The 2010 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Fukuoka (Japan), 23-26 March 2010.
- ICCSA'2011 - The 2011 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Santander Spain), 20- 23 June 2011.
International Program Committee (145)
- 3CM: 2009
- 3IA: 2004, 2005,
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- ACN: 2010, 2011
- ADG: 2012
- CASA: 2005,
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013
- CCA: 2013
- CGA: 2005, 2006,
2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- CAGDAG: 2008
- CGGM: 2003,
2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
- CGI: 2008
- CGIV: 2004,
2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- CGVR: 2009,
2010, 2011
- CIT: 2005
- CITSE: 2010
2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- FCGN: 2007,
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
- GMAI: 2006, 2007
- GMAG: 2003
- GMVAG: 2005
- GRAPHICON: 2005,
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- GRAPP: 2007,
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- IBBB: 2010, 2011, 2013
- ICCIT: 2007, 2008
- ICCS: 2005,
2006, 2007, 2008
- ICCSA: 2003,
2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- ICMS: 2006, 2010
- ICICS: 2004
- IMS: 2006, 2008
- IRMA: 2007
- ISCIS: 2009
- ISVD: 2006,
2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
- MMM: 2007
- NDCAP: 2006
- SEPA: 2009,
2010, 2011
- SMM: 2009
- SQ: 2011
- TSCG: 2007, 2008, 2'013
- TTSDP: 2010, 2011
- TTSDP-HPC: 2009
- VIP: 2007, 2008
- VRA: 2013
- VRSAL: 2008
- WSCG: 2003
- WTCS: 2009, 2010
Conferences in 2003: 4
- WSCG'2003
- The 11th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer
Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision. Plzen (Czech
Republic), 3-7 February 2003.
- ICCSA'2003 - The 2003 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Montreal (Canada), 18-21May 2003
- CGGM'2003 - Second International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling. Montreal (Canada), 18-21 May 2003.
- GMAG'2003 - International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Graphics. London (England), July 16-18, 2003.
Conferences in 2004: 6
3IA'2004 - The Seventh International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence. Limoges (France), 12-13 May 2004.
- ICCSA'2004 - The 2004 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Assisi (Italy), 14-17 May 2004.
- CGGM'2004 - Third International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling. Krakow (Poland), 6-9 June 2004.
- CGIV'2004 - International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization. Penang (Malaysia), 26-29 July 2004.
- Cyberworlds'2004 - International Conference on Cyberworlds. Tokyo (Japan) 18-20 November 2004.
- ICICS'2004 - The International Conference on Information and Computer Science. Dhahran (Saudi Arabia), 28-30 November 2004.
Conferences in 2005: 11
- CGA'2005 - The 5th Annual International Workshop on Computational Geometry and Applications. Singapore, 9-12 May 2005.
- 3IA'2005 - The Eight International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence. Limoges (France), 11-12 May 2005.
ICCSA'2005 - The 2005 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Singapore, 9-12 May 2005.
ICCS'2005 - The 2005 International Conference on Computational Science. Atlanta (USA), 22-25 May 2005.
CGGM'2005 - Fourth International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling. Atlanta (USA), 22-25 May 2005.
CASA'2005 - Third International Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems and their Applications. Atlanta (USA), 22-25 May 2005.
- Graphicon'2005
- Fifteenth International Conference on Computer Graphics and
Applications Novosibirsk (Russian Federation), 20-24 June
- GMVAG 2005 - International Conference on Geometric Modeling, Visualization & Graphics. Salt Lake City (USA), 21-26 July 2005.
- CGIV 2005 - International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization. Beijing (China), 26-29 July 2005.
- CIT 2005 - Fifth International Conference on Computer and Information Technology. Shanghai (China), 21-23 September 2005.
- Cyberworlds'2005 - International Conference on Cyberworlds. Singapore 23-25 November 2005.
Conferences in 2006: 14
- CGA'2006 - The 6th Annual International Workshop on Computational Geometry and Applications. Glasgow (Scotland) 8-11 May 2006.
- ICCSA'2006 - The 2006 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Glasgow (Scotland) 8-11 May 2006.
- 3IA'2006 - The Ninth International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence. Limoges (France), 23-24 May 2006.
CGGM'2006 - Fifth International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling. Reading (UK), 28-31 May 2006.
CASA'2006 - Fourth International Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems and their Applications. Reading (UK), 28-31 May 2006.
ICCS'2006 - The 2006 International Conference on Computational Science. Reading (UK), 28-31 May 2006.
- IMS'2006 - The 8th International Mathematica Symposium. Avignon (France) 19-23 June 2006.
- Graphicon'2006 - Sixteenth International Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications Novosibirsk (Russian Federation), 1-5 July 2006.
GMAI'2006 - International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Imaging. London (UK) 5-7 July 2006.
- CGIV 2006 - International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization. Sydney (Australia), 26-28 July 2006.
ICMS'2006 - The Second International Congress on Mathematical Software. Castro Urdiales (Spain) 1-3 September 2006.
- NDCAP'2006 - International Workshop on New Developments on Computer Algebra Packages. Castro Urdiales (Spain) 1-3 September 2006.
- ISVD'2006 - Third International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering. Banff (Canada) 2-5 July 2006.
- Cyberworlds'2006 - International Conference on Cyberworlds. Lausanne (Switzerland) 28-30 November 2006.
Conferences in 2007: 18
- MMM'2007 - International MultiMedia Modeling Conference. Singapore 9-12 January 2007.
- GRAPP'2007 - The Second International Conference on Computer Graphics, Theory and Applications. Barcelona (Spain) 8-11 March 2007
- IRMA'2007 - The 18th IRMA(Information Resources Management Association) International Conference. Vancouver (Canada) 19-23 May 2007.
CGGM'2007 - Sixth International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling. Beijing (China), 27-30 May 2007.
CASA'2007 - Fifth International Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems and their Applications. Beijing (China), 27-30 May 2007.
ICCS'2007 - The 2007 International Conference on Computational Science. Beijing (China), 27-30 May 2007.
- CGA'2007 - The 7th Annual International Workshop on Computational Geometry and Applications. Beijing (China), 27-30 May 2007.
- 3IA'2007
- The 10th International Conference on Computer
Graphics and Artificial Intelligence. Athens (Greece), 30-31 May 2007.
- Graphicon'2007 - Seventeenth International Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications Moscow (Russian Federation), 23-27 June 2007.
- GMAI'2007 - International Conference on Graphical Models and Imaging. ETH Zurich (Switzerland) 4-6 July 2007.
- ISVD'2007 - Fourth International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering. University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd (Wales, UK) 9-11 July 2007.
- CGIV'2007- The 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization. Bangkok (Thailand), 13-16 August 2007.
- ICCSA'2007 - The 2007 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 26-29 August 2007.
- TSCG'2007- The 5th Technical Session on Computer Graphics. Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 26-29 August 2007.
- CW'2007 - International Conference on CyberWorlds. Hannover (Germany), 24-26 October 2007.
- ICCIT'2007 - International Conference on Convergence Information Technology. Gyeongju (Korea), 21-13 November 2007.
- FGCN'2007 - Future Generation Communication and Networking. Jeju-Island (Korea), 6-8 December 2007.
- VIP'2007 - Asian-Pacific Workshop on Visual Information Processing. Tainan (Taiwan), 15-17 December 2007.
Conferences in 2008: 18
- GRAPP'2008 - The Third International Conference on Computer Graphics, Theory and Applications. Funchal, Madeira Island (Portugal) 22-25 January 2008
- 3IA'2008
- The 11th International Conference on Computer
Graphics and Artificial Intelligence. Athens (Greece), 30-31 May 2008.
- CGI'2008 - Computer Graphics International.
Istanbul (Turkey), 9-11 June 2008.
- IMS'2008 - The 9th International Mathematica Symposium. Maastrich (The Netherlands) 20-24 June 2008.
ICCS'2008 - The 2008 International Conference on Computational Science. Krakow (Poland), 23-25 June 2008.
CGGM'2008 - Seventh International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling. Krakow (Poland), 23-25 June 2008.
Graphicon'2008 - Eighteenth International Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications Moscow (Russian Federation), 23-27 June 2008.
CASA'2008 - Sixth International Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems and their Applications. Perugia (Italy), 30 June - 3 July 2008.
- TSCG'2008- The 6th Technical Session on Computer Graphics. Perugia (Italy), 30 June - 3 July 2008.
- VRSAL'2008 - Fifth International Workshop on Virtual Reality on Scientific Applications and Learning. Perugia (Italy), 30 June-3 July 2008
- ICCSA'2008 - The 2008 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Perugia (Italy), 30 June - 3 July 2008.
- CGA'2008 - The 8th Annual International Workshop on Computational Geometry and Applications. Perugia (Italy), 30 June - 3 July 2008.
- CGIV'2008- The 5th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization. Penang (Malaysia), 25-28 August 2008.
- CAGDAG'2008- International Symposium on Computer Aided Geometric Desing & Graphics. Penang (Malaysia), 25-28 August 2008.
- CW'2008 - International Conference on CyberWorlds. Hangzhou (China), 22-24 September 2008.
- ICCIT'2008 - International Conference on Convergence Information Technology. Busan (Korea), November 2008.
- VIP'2008 - Asian-Pacific Workshop on Visual Information Processing. Tainan (Taiwan), 8-9 December 2008.
- FGCN'2008 - Future Generation Communication and Networking. Hainan-Island (China), 13-15 December 2008.
Conferences in 2009: 18
- GRAPP'2009 - The International Conference on Computer Graphics, Theory and Applications. Lisbon (Portugal) 5-8 February 2009.
CGGM'2009 - Eighth International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling. Baton Rouge, Louisiana (USA), 25-27 May 2009.
- WTCS'2009 - Third
International Workshop on Teaching Computational Science. Baton Rouge,
Louisiana (USA),
25-27 May 2009.
- 3IA'2009- The 12th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence. Athens (Greece), 29-30 May 2009.
- ISVD'2009 - Sixth International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering. Copenhagen (Denmark) 23-26 June 2009.
- TTSDP-HPC'2009 - Workshop on Tools and Techniques in Software Development Processes for High Performance Computing. Seoul (Korea), 25-27 June 2009.
- ICCSA'2009 - The 2009 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Yongin (Korea), 29 June - 2 July 2009.
- SEPA'2009 - Workshop on Software Engineering Processes and Applications. Yongin (Korea), 29 June - 2 July 2009.
- CGVR'2009 - International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality. Yongin (Korea), 29 June - 2 July 2009.
CASA'2009 - Seventh International Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems and their Applications. Yongin (Korea), 29 June - 2 July 2009.
- CGA'2009 - The 9th Annual International Workshop on Computational Geometry and Applications. Yongin (Korea), 29 June - 2 July 2009.
- 3CM'2009 - Third Congress of Mathematica in Spain. Salamanca (Spain), 1-3 July 2009.
- SMM'2009 - Special Section on Software Metrics and Measurement. London (UK), 4-6 August 2009.
- CGIV'2009 - The 6th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization. Tianjin (China) 11-14 August 2009.
- CW'2009 - International Conference on CyberWorlds. Bradford (UK), 7-11 September 2009.
- ISCIS'2009 - The 24th International Symposium on Computer and Information Systems. NETU (Northern Cyprus) 14-16 September 2009.
Graphicon'2009 - Nineteenth International Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications Moscow (Russian Federation), 5-9 October 2009.
- FGCN'2009 - Future Generation Communication and Networking. Jeju-Island (Korea), 10-12 December 2009.
Conferences in 2010: 18
- ICCSA'2010 - The 2010 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Fukuoka (Japan), 23- 26 March 2010.
- CASA'2010 - Eigthth International Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems and their Applications. Fukuoka (Japan), 23- 26 March 2010.
- CGVR'2010 - International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality. Fukuoka (Japan), 23- 26 March 2010.
- SEPA'2010 - Second International Workshop on Software Engineering Processes and Applications. Fukuoka (Japan), 23- 26 March 2010.
- TTSDP'2010 - Workshop on Tools and Techniques in Software Development Processes. Fukuoka (Japan), 23- 26 March 2010.
- IBBB'2010 - First International Workshop on Biomathematics, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics. Fukuoka (Japan), 23- 26 March 2010.
- CGA'2010 - The 10th Annual International Workshop on Computational Geometry and Applications. Fukuoka (Japan), 23- 26 March 2010.
- GRAPP'2010 - The International Conference on Computer Graphics, Theory and Applications. Angers (France) 17-21 May 2010.
- 3IA'2010 - The 13th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence. Athens (Greece), 28-29 May 2010.
- WTCS'2010 - Fourth
International Workshop on Teaching Computational Science. Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 31 May - 2 June 2010.
- ISVD'2010 - Seventh International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering. Quebec (Canada) 28-30 June 2010.
- CGIV'2010 - The 7th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization. Sydney (Australia) 10-13 August 2010.
ICMS'2010 - The Third International Congress on Mathematical Software. Kobe (Japan) 13-17 September 2010.
- Graphicon'2010 - 20th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation), 20-24 September 2010.
CW'2010 - International Conference on CyberWorlds. Singapore, 20-22 October 2010.
CSEIT'2010 - Annual International Conference on Innovation & Technology in Computer Science Education. Phuket (Thailand), 6-7 December 2010.
FGCN'2010 - Future Generation Communication and Networking. Jeju Island (Korea), 13-15 December 2010.
ACN'2010 - International Conference on Advanced Communication and Networking. Mayazaki (Japan), 23-25 June 2010.
Conferences in 2011: 16
- GRAPP'2011 - The International Conference on Computer Graphics, Theory and Applications. Algarve (Portugal), 5-7 March 2011.
- 3IA'2011 - The 14th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence. Athens (Greece), 27-28 May 2011.
- CASA'2011 - Ninth International Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems and their Applications. Santander (Spain), 20- 23 June 2011.
- IBBB'2011 - Second International Workshop on Biomathematics, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics. Santander (Spain), 20- 23 June 2011.
- CGVR'2011 - International Workshop on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality. Santander (Spain), 20- 23 June 2011.
- SEPA'2011 - Third International Workshop on Software Engineering Processes and Applications. Santander (Spain), 20- 23 June 2011.
- CGA'2011 - The 11th Annual International Workshop on Computational Geometry and Applications. Santander (Spain), 20- 23 June 2011.
- TTSDP'2011 - Workshop on Tools and Techniques in Software Development Processes. Santander (Spain), 20- 23 June 2011.
- SQ'2011 - Second International Workshop on Software Quality. Santander (Spain), 20- 23 June 2011.
- ICCSA'2011 - The 2011 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Santander (Spain), 20- 23 June 2011.
- ISVD'2011 - Eighth International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering. Qingdao (China), 28-30 June, 2011.
ACN'2011 - International Conference on Advanced Communication and Networking. Brno (Czech Republic), 15-17 August 2011.
- CGIV'2011 - The 8th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization. Singapore 16-19 August 2011.
- Graphicon'2011 - 21th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications Moscow (Russian Federation), 26-30 September 2011.
CW'2011 - International Conference on CyberWorlds. Banff (Canada), 4-6 October 2011.
FGCN'2011 - Future Generation Communication and Networking. Jeju Island (Korea), 8-10 December 2011.
Conferences in 2012: 9
- GRAPP'2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. Rome (Italy), 24-26 February 2012.
- 3IA'2012 - The 15th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence. Athens (Greece), 25-26 May 2012.
- ICCSA'2012 - The 2012 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Salvador de Bahia (Brasil), 18-21 June 2012.
- CGA'2012 - The 12th Annual International Workshop on Computational Geometry and Applications. Salvador de Bahia (Brasil), 18-21 June 2012.
- ISVD'2012 - Ninth International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering. New Jersey (USA), 27-29 June, 2012.
CGIV'2012 - The 9th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization. Hsinchu (Taiwan), 24-27 July 2012.
ADG'2012 - The 9th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization. Edinburgh (UK), 17-19 September 2012.
- CW'2012 - International Conference on CyberWorlds. Darmstadt (Germany), 25-27 September 2012.
- Graphicon'2012 - 22nd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications Moscow (Russian Federation), 1-5 October 2012.
Conferences in 2013: 13
- GRAPP'2013 - 8th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. Barcelona (Spain), 21-24 February 2013.
- CCA'2013 - Second International Conference on Computer and Applications. Harbin (China), 18-20 April 2013.
- 3IA'2013 - The International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence. Toulouse (France), 6-7 June 2013.
- CASA'2013 - Tenth International Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems and their Applications. Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), 24-27 June 2013.
- ICCSA'2013 - The 2013 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), 24-27 June 2013.
- CGA'2012 - The 12th Annual International Workshop on Computational Geometry and Applications. Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), 24-27 June 2013.
- TSCG'2013 - Seventh Technical Session on Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling . Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), 24-27 June 2013.
- VRA'2013 - International Workshop on Virtual Reality and Applications . Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), 24-27 June 2013.
- IBBB'2013 - Third International Workshop on Biomathematics, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics. Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), 24-27 June 2013.
- ISVD'2013 - Tenth International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering. Saint Petersburg (Russia), 8-10 July 2013.
CGIV'2013 - The 10th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization. Macau (China), 6-8 August 2013.
- CW'2013 - International Conference on CyberWorlds. Yokohama (Japan), 21-23 October 2013.
- Graphicon'2013 - 23nd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications Vladivostok (Russian Federation), 16-20 September 2013.
Basic Data:
  * B.Sc. Mathematics (1992)
  * Ph.D. Applied Mathematics (1996)
Academic Positions
  * Associate Professor (9/2002-present)
  * Director Computer Graphics & Geometric
    Modeling Research Group
  Past Positions
  * Head of Department (7/2008-7/2012)
  * Ph.D. Studies Coordinator (11/2005-7/2012)
In a nutshell:
  * International papers: 122
  * Domestic papers: 14
  * International books: 11
  * Domestic books: 2
  * Chair/Organizer: 38
  * Steering Committee Member: 11
  * Program Committee Member: 145







  * In journals: 68 in 35 journals

  * Reviewer in 123 international conferences.