JCR papers
Cordera, R.,
Nogués, S.,
González-González, E.
and Moura, J.L.
Modelling sprawl in a medium-sized urban area considering the future
arrival of autonomous vehicles.
Environmental Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 1-22
Nogués, S., González-González, E.,
Stead, D. and Cordera, R.
Planning policies for the driverless city using backcasting and the
participatory Q-methodology.
Cities, 142, 104535
González-González, E., Cordera, R., Stead, D. and
Nogués, S.
the driverless city using backcasting and Q-methodology. Cities,
133, 104159.
Cordera, R.,
González-González, E., Nogués, S., Arellana,
and Moura, J.L. (2022)
Modal choice for the Driverless city: scenario simulation based on a
stated preference survey. Journal
of Advanced Transportation,
Silva, O., Cordera, R.
González-González, E.
and Nogués, S.
Environmental impacts of autonomous vehicles: A review of the scientific
Science of the Total Environment, 830, 154615.
Fayyaz, M., Nogués, S. and González-González, E. (2022)
Autonomous mobility: A potential opportunity to reclaim public spaces
for people.
Sustainability, 14 (3), 1568.
Nogués, S. and González-González, E. (2021)
Are current road investments exacerbating spatial inequalities inside
European peripheral regions?.
European Planning Studies.
Cordera, R., Nogués, S.,
González-González, E. and Moura, J.L. (2021)
Modeling the impacts of Autonomous Vehicles on land use using a LUTI
model. Sustainability,
13 (4), 1608.
González-González, E., Cordera, R., Alonso,
B. and Nogués, S. (2021)
Planning for sustainable urban mobility: Demand estimation of on-street
vertical walking facilities. International
Journal of Sustainable Transportation.
Nogués, S., González-González, E. and Cordera, R. (2020) New
urban planning challenges under emerging autonomous mobility: evaluating
backcasting scenarios and policies through an expert survey. Land
Use Policy, 95, 104652.
González-González, E., Nogués, S. and Stead, D.
(2020) Parking
futures: Preparing European cities for the advent of automated vehicles. Land
Use Policy, 91C, 104010.
Cordera, R., Nogués, S., González-González, E. and dell'Olio,
L. (2019)Intra-urban
spatial disparities in user satisfaction with public transport services. Sustainability,
11 (5829), 1-22.
González-González, E., Nogués, S. and Stead, D.
(2019) Automated
vehicles and the city of tomorrow: A backcasting approach. Cities,
94, 153-160.
Cordera, R., Nogués, S. and González-González, E.
(2019) The
challenge of introducing indicators in the evaluation and monitoring
systems of Spanish Regional Plans. Boletín
de la Asociación Española de Geografía, 81 (2726), 1-32.
Nogués, S., González-González, E. and Cordera, R.
(2019) Planning
regional sustainability: An index-based framework to assess spatial
plans. Application to the region of Cantabria (Spain). Journal
of Cleaner Production, 225, 510-523.
González-González, E. and Nogués, S. (2019) Long-term
differential effects of transport infrastructure investment in rural
areas. Transportation
Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 125, 234-247.
González-González, E. and Nogués, S. (2017) Railways
of the future: evolution and prospects of High-Speed Rail, MAGLEV and
Hyperloop (2nd Part). DYNA,
92(5), 483-485.
González-González, E. and Nogués, S. (2017) Railways
of the future: evolution and prospects of High-Speed Rail, MAGLEV and
Hyperloop (1st Part). DYNA,
92(4), 371-373.
González-González, E. and Nogués,
S. (2016) Regional
polycentricity: an indicator framework for assessing cohesion impacts of
railway infrastructures. European
Planning Studies, 24(5), 950-973.
Nogués, S. and González-González, E. (2014) Multi-criteria
impacts assessment for ranking highway projects in Northewest Spain. Transportation
Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 65, 80-91.
Book chapters
Cordera, R., González-González, E.,
Nogués, S. and dell'Olio, L.
transport and land-use modeling.
Joao de Abreu e Silva, Kristina M. Currans, Veronique Van Acker and
Robert J. Schneider (Eds.): Handbook
on Transport and Land Use.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 231-249. ISBN
González-González, E., Cordera, R. and Nogués, S.
Planificación participativa en la enseñanza de la ordenación urbana.
María del Mar Simón, José Jesús Gázquez, Ana Belén Barragán y África Martos. (Comps.):
Innovación docente e investigación en Ciencias, Ingeniería y
Arquitectura: Experiencias de cambio en la metodología docente.
Madrid: Editorial Dykinson, 23-36. ISBN 978-84-1122-865-7
González-González, E., Cordera, R. and Nogués, S.
(2021) Territorios
hacia la era autónoma.
In: Antonio Serrano (Coord.),
Joaquín Farinós, Antonio Serrano, Manuel Borobio y Soledad Nogués,
S. (Eds.):
Planificación y gestión integrada como
Valencia: Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 479-491. ISBN
González González, E. and Nogués Linares, S. (2016) Measuring
Accessibility: an application to the Cantabria road network.
In: Luigi dell'Olio, Rubén Cordera and Ángel Ibeas (Eds.) Land
Use - Transport Interaction Models. The TRANSPACE model.
Santander: Transport Systems Research Group (GIST), 93-113.