Updated August 14, 2013
About the authors of STICCI.eu

In this section it is possible to find out some information about the authors of the application STICCI.eu.
Contact any of them in:
Valentín Gómez-Jáuregui
Civil Engineer by the E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Caminos of Santander (Universidad de Cantabria - Spain) and the Échole de Genie Civil (Univerité de Liège - Belgium), specializing in Structures and Urban Planning. Afterwards, he continued his education in Queen’s University Belfast (Northern Ireland), achieving an MSc in Architecture. His project for the research thesis was focused on Tensegrity and its application to construction, which is the main subject of his works. His PhD research is focused on Double-Layer Tensegrity Grids. He is author of several books, scientific publications, patents, projects, courses, etc.
From 2004 to 2009 he has developed his career in the construction sector, mainly related to R&D; in structures, modular buildings, development of new products and patents, etc. Afterwards, he was the manager of a business unit in an Industrial Engineering company. Nowadays, he is an assistant teacher at the University of Cantabria, dealing with courses related to CAD, as well as doing research about new configurations of double-layer tensegrity grids for EGICAD research group. He is also a teacher at EADIC, Escuela Abierta de Desarrollo en Ingeniería y Construcción. At the same time, he combines this work with the tasks of Secretary of Ingeniería Sin Fronteras Cantabria.
Cecilia Gómez-Jáuregui
Software Engineer, with many years of experience in the IT Security field. Responsible for the integration of heuristic technology in Panda Security products. Developer of applications aimed to detect malicious software, with analytical, design and problem solving abilities. As a software developer enroled in the Research Department of Panda Security, she has a lot of experience in database systems, client and server interfaces and Machine Learning algorithms.
She also worked in the technical Support Team in the Lab Computing in Polytechnic School of Engineering (Gijon), where she accomplished her degree in Computer Systems Engineering, with a focus on Computer Engineering, Information Technology and Software Engineering.