- P. Fuentes, C. Camarero, D. Herreros, V. Mateev, F. Vallejo and C. Martínez. "Addressing Student Fatigue in Computer Architecture Courses", IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. March 2022 (Early Access). (IF: 3.720, h5=35) [DOI] [BIB]
- V. Mateev, E. Stafford and P. Fuentes. "Un sistema para la docencia a distancia en asignaturas con hardware real", XXXI Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP20/21), Málaga, Spain, 22nd-24th September 2021. [PDF] [DOI] [BIB]
- M. Benito, P. Fuentes, E. Vallejo and R. Beivide. "ACOR: Adaptive Congestion-Oblivious Routing in Dragonfly networks", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. September 2019. (IF: 1.815, h5=39) [DOI] [BIB]
- P. Fuentes, C. Camarero, C. Martínez and F. Vallejo. "Tecnología low-cost para motivar al alumno", XXV Edición de las Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI 2019), Murcia, Spain, 3rd-5th July 2019. [PDF] [UCrea] [BIB]
- P. Fuentes, C. Camarero, F. Vallejo and C. Martínez. "La importancia del uso de hardware real en la docencia de Estructura y Organización de Computadores", XVI Foro Internacional sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior (FECIES 2019), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 29th-31st May 2019. [Abstract] [BIB]
- M. Benito, P. Fuentes, E. Vallejo and R. Beivide. "Analysis and improvement of Valiant routing in low-diameter networks", 4th IEEE International Workshop on High-Performance Interconnection Networks under Realistic Traffic Patterns (HiPINEB'18), Vienna, Austria, 24th Feb 2018. [PDF] [DOI] [BIB]
- P. Fuentes, M. Benito, E. Vallejo, J. L. Bosque, R. Beivide, A. Anghel, G. Rodríguez, M. Gusat, C. Minkenberg and M. Valero. "A scalable synthetic traffic model of Graph500 for computer networks analysis", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Special Issue on Algorithms and Applications towards the convergence of High-End Data-Intensive and Computing Systems. July 2017. (IF: 1.133, h5=31) [PDF] [DOI] [BIB]
- E. Vallejo, P. Fuentes and M. Benito. "Aprendizaje autónomo del estudiante apoyado en recursos audiovisuales en el contexto de un Grado de Ingeniería Informática: experiencias con metodologías de enseñanza activas", III Congreso Nacional de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red (INRED 2017), Valencia, Spain, 13th-14th July 2017. [PDF] [DOI] [BIB]
- P. Fuentes, E. Vallejo, R. Beivide, C. Minkenberg and M. Valero. "FlexVC: Flexible Virtual Channel Management in Low-Diameter Networks", 31st IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2017), Orlando, USA, 29th May-2nd June 2017. (CORE Tier A, GII-GRIN Tier A, h5=41). [PDF] [DOI] [BIB] [Slides] BEST PAPER AWARD
- P. Fuentes, E. Vallejo, J. L. Bosque, R. Beivide, A. Anghel, G. Rodríguez, M. Gusat and C. Minkenberg. "Synthetic Traffic Model of the Graph500 Communications", Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Algorithms and Applications for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2016), Granada, Spain, 14th-16th December 2016. (CORE Tier B, GII-GRIN Tier B). [PDF] [DOI] [BIB] [Slides]
- P. Fuentes, E. Vallejo, C. Camarero, R. Beivide and M. Valero. "Network Unfairness in Dragonfly Topologies", The Journal of Supercomputing, Volume 72. May 2016. (IF: 1.088, h5=32). [DOI] [BIB]
- P. Fuentes, E. Vallejo, C. Camarero, R. Beivide and M. Valero. "Throughput Unfairness in Dragonfly Networks under Realistic Traffic Patterns", 1st IEEE International Workshop on High-Performance Interconnection Networks under Realistic Traffic Patterns (HiPINEB'15), Chicago, USA, 8th-11th September 2015. [PDF] [DOI] [UCrea] [BIB]
- P. Fuentes, E. Vallejo, M. García, R. Beivide, G. Rodríguez, C. Minkenberg and M. Valero. "Contention-based Nonminimal Adaptive Routing in High-radix Networks", 29th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2015), Hyderabad, India, 25th-29th May 2015. (CORE Tier A, GII-GRIN Tier A, h5=41). [PDF] [DOI] [UCrea] [BIB]
- L. Schares, B. G. Lee, F. Checconi, R. Budd, A. Rylyakov, N. Dupuis, F. Petrini, C. L. Schow, P. Fuentes, O. Mattes and C. Minkenberg. "A Throughput-Optimized Optical Network for Data-Intensive Computing", IEEE Micro, Volume 34, Number 5, pages 52-63. September 2014. (IF: 1.519, h5=28). [DOI] [BIB]
- P. Fuentes, J. L. Bosque, R. Beivide, M. Valero and C. Minkenberg. "Characterizing the Communication Demands of the Graph500 Benchmark on a Commodity Cluster", 1st International Symposium on Big Data Computing (BDC 2014), London, UK, 8th-9th December 2014. [PDF] [DOI] [UCrea] [BIB]
- P. Fuentes, E. Vallejo, M. García and R. Beivide. "On the Use of Contention Information for Adaptive Routing", poster for the Tenth International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems (ACACES 2014), Fiuggi, Italy, 13th-19th July 2014. [Abstract] [Poster] [Handle]
- P. Fuentes, E. Vallejo, C. Martínez, M. García and R. Beivide. "Comparison study of scalable and cost-effective interconnection networks for HPC", poster for the 41st International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPPW 2012), Pittsburgh, USA, 10th-13th September 2012. [Abstract] [Poster] [DOI] [BIB]
- P. Fuentes, C. Martínez, E. Vallejo, E. Stafford and J. L. Bosque. "Plataforma web para retroalimentación automática en la docencia de ensamblador", XXIII Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP 2012), Elche, Spain, 19th-21st September 2012. [PDF] [BIB]
- C. Martínez, E. Vallejo, P. Fuentes, E. Stafford and J. L. Bosque, "TutorSPIM: Sistema de Evaluación Automática para Prácticas de Estructura de Computadores", IX Foro Internacional sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior (FECIES 2012), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 12th-15th June 2012. [Abstract] [BIB]