Juan Antonio Cuesta Albertos

Departamento de Matemáticas.
Facultad de Ciencias.
Universidad de Cantabria.
39005 Santander. Spain.
+34 942 201428
+34 942 201402

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I like very much to give popular science talks. Here you have some examples (in Spanish) about
  1. The launching of the Challenger
  2. Who should have won the 2000 presidential election in USA: Bush or Gore?
  3. Newcomb-Benford Law
  4. Bárcenas accounting
  5. El número de taxis de Bilbao y el espionaje en la 2» guerra mundial
  6. La Estadística es una cosa seria, Àalguien lo duda?
  7. Un biólogo con datos sospechosos
  8. El sexo obliga a cocinar

I have also made a monologue (in Spanish) on trimmed k-means in the "Club de la Comedia Cientítfica", organised by the Universidad de Cantabria in the "2015 European Night of the Researchers".

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