ICMS 2024 Session: Numerical Software for Special Functions

ICMS 2024: Home, Sessions


Aim and Scope

Special functions appear in a vast number of scientific applications where numerical values for the functions are required. Recent numerical software for the computation of special functions will be presented in this session.


All talks in this session will take place on Wednesday, July 24, Room MCS3055. The schedule is as follows:


Time Title Speaker
13.30 - 14.00 Approximation of an inverse of the incomplete beta function Mike Giles
14.00 - 14.30 DLMF Standard Reference Tables on Demand Bonita Saunders
14.30 - 15.00 Automated steepest descent contour deformation for oscillatory integrals with multiple coalescing saddles. Andrew Gibbs
15.00 - 15.30 ContinuumArrays.jl: a framework for working with orthogonal polynomials and solving differential equations. Sheehan Olver
15.30 - 16.00 Coffee
16.00 - 16.30 Algorithms for the computation of classical Gaussian quadratures and associated barycentric interpolation. Amparo Gil, Javier Segura


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