Adolfo Maza Fernández |
Datos Personales/ Personal Data
Títulos Universitarios/ University Degrees
Publicaciones/ Publications
Docencia /
Otros méritos/
Other merits
| |
Unión Monetaria Europea y disparidades
regionales en España
Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Cantabria,
Santander, 2004
El comercio exterior de Cantabria
José Villaverde)
Editorial Civitas Thomson-Reuters, 2009
La dinámica exterior de las regiones
José Villaverde)
FUNCAS, 2011
La competitividad de la economía
cántabra: Una perspectiva sectorial
José Villaverde)
Editorial Civitas Thomson-Reuters, 2011
El hinterland y la competitividad de las
fachadas marítimas españolas
José Villaverde y Pablo Coto)
Organismo Público Puertos del Estado, 2011
La distribución regional del empleo y
desempleo en la Unión Europea y España
José Villaverde y María Hierro)
FUNCAS, 2012
Los sectores estratégicos de la economía de Cantabria: Un
análisis input-output (con/with José Villaverde)
Editorial Académica Española, 2018
Nature of shocks: A close look at the Spanish regions
(con/with José Villaverde)
En/In “Competitividad Regional en la UE Ampliada”, Instituto de
Estudios Fiscales, 2004, pp. 169-187
The ECB’s monetary policy. Does it fit to all EMU members?
(con/with Blanca Sánchez-Robles,
José Villaverde)
En/In “Political Economy Research Focus”, W.R. Levin (Ed.),
Science Publishers, Nueva York, 2008, pp. 93-108.
A spatial analysis of wage differentials for the Spanish
(con/with José Villaverde)
En/In “El mercado de trabajo en España: Otros aspectos relevantes”, M. Fernández,
V. Montuenga y D. Riveiro (Coords.), Edicions Lóstrego, Santiago
de Compostela, 2009,
pp. 223-239.
Renewable electricity consumption: Is there a convergence process across
European countries?
María Hierro, José Villaverde )
En/In “Handbook of Sustainable Energy”, W.H. Lee, V.G. Cho (Eds.),
Science Publishers, Nueva York, 2010,
pp. 591-608.
Measurement of regional economic
(con/with José Villaverde)
En/In “The
regional integration manual. Quantitative and qualitative methods”, P. de Lombaerde,
R. Flores, L. Iapadre, M. Schulz
Londres, 2011, pp. 147-178.
Electricity from renewable energy sources: evaluating target
achievements in the European Union countries
María Hierro, José Villaverde )
En/In “Advances
in energy research”, vol. 6, Morena J. Acosta (Ed.),
Science Publishers, Nueva York, 2011, pp. 213-228.
A new look at FDI
in Spain: A regional perspective
(con/with José Villaverde )
En/In “Macroeconomics
and beyond”,
G. Erreygers y M. Vermeire
Garant, Amberes, 2012, pp. 102-115.
Examining the EU’s 27
international migration distribution
María Hierro)
En/In “Progress
in Economics Research”, vol. 26, A. Tavidze (Ed.),
Science Publishers, Nueva York, 2012, pp. 107-126.
al EEES: Experiencias desde la asignatura “Macroeconomía IV: Economía
Internacional” (con/with María Hierro)
En/In “Taller
de Innovación Docente”, D. Díaz-Fuentes, M.A.
Bringas, M. Fernández-Gutierrez, M. Fernández-Redondo, J. Revuelta,
C. Trueba (Eds.),
Sociedad de Economía Mundial, España, 2013, pp. 170-177.
FDI and economic growth: Evidence from the EU at the
regional level
(con/with José Villaverde,
María Gutiérrez-Portilla, Paula Gutiérrez-Portilla)
En/In “Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI): Policies, Economic Impacts and Global
Perspectives”, Guillon E., Chauvet, L. (Eds.),
Science Publishers, Nueva York, 2013, pp. 73-102.
disparities in Europe: Are they robust to the use of different measures
and indicators?
(con/with José Villaverde)
in Support of European Territorial Development and Cohesion”,
ESPON, Luxemburgo, 2013, pp. 24-29.
applications in the EU-28, 2008-2014: Is the asylum burden converging
across countries?
(con/with María
Hierro, José Villaverde)
Migration: Politics, Policies and Practices”,
Stephens, E.J.
Science Publishers, Nueva York, 2016, pp. 155-180.
and patterns in public investment in Spain: A medium- and long-run
(con/with José Villaverde)
European Public Investment Outlook”,
Cerniglia, F., Saraceno, F.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge: UK, 2020, pp. 83-96.
Las disparidades de renta interregionales: Tendencias y determinantes
(con/with José Villaverde)
Informe sobre la Desigualdad en España: Una Perspectiva Territorial”,
Ayala, L., Ruiz-Huerta, J.
Madrid, 2020, pp.
and patterns in public investment in Spain: An
(con/with José Villaverde)
Great RESET. 2021
European Public Investment Outlook”,
Cerniglia, F., Saraceno, F., Watt, A.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge: UK, 2021, pp. 93-103.
challenges in the Spanish energy market
(con/with José Villaverde,
Lucía Ibañez, Daniel Balsalobre-Llorente)
Europe. 2022
European Public Investment Outlook”,
Cerniglia, F., Saraceno, F.
Open Book Publishers, Cambridge: UK, 2022, pp.
Improving digital agriculture to achieve sustainable development:
Analysis and policy proposals
Vitalina Babenko,
Maryna Nehrey, Olga Pushko)
Sustainability: Towards Innovative Digital Transformation”,
Magdi, D., El-Fetouh, A.A., Mamdouh, M., Joshi, A.
Springer, Singapore, 2023, pp.
El sector exterior de la economía cántabra
(con/with Gema Carrera)
Revista Situación, Serie de Estudios Regionales, número monográfico
sobre Cantabria, 2000, pp. 487-508
Flexibilidad regional de los salarios en España y Unión Monetaria
Revista de Economía Aragonesa,
nº. 17, abril de 2002, pp. 113-132
Salarios y desempleo en las regiones españolas
(con/with José Villaverde)
Papeles de Economía Española,
nº. 93, 2002, pp. 182-194
Regiones españolas y perturbaciones: Un análisis empírico
Revista Asturiana de Economía,
nº. 24, septiembre de 2002, pp.
La teoría de las Áreas Monetarias Óptimas y la Geografía Económica:
Una recapitulación
Anales de Economía y Administración de Empresas,
nº. 10, 2003, pp.
Desigualdades regionales y dependencia espacial en la Unión Europea
(con/with José Villaverde)
CLM-Economía, nº. 2, 2003, pp. 109-128
Los costes asociados a la formación de la Unión Monetaria Europea:
Un análisis para las regiones españolas
Cuadernos de Economía, vol. 26, mayo-agosto 2003, pp. 105-132
¿A quién perjudica la política del Banco Central Europeo?
(con/with Marta de la Riva, Blanca Sánchez-Robles)
Análisis Financiero Internacional,
nº. 114, cuarto trimestre de 2003,
pp. 17-27
UME y perturbaciones macroeconómicas: Un análisis para las regiones
(con/with Blanca Sánchez-Robles)
Información Comercial Española, Revista de Economía,
nº. 814,
marzo-abril de 2004, pp. 113-122
Determinantes de la migración interregional en España: Nuevas
técnicas de análisis
(con/with José Villaverde)
Investigaciones Regionales,
nº. 4, primavera 2004, pp. 133-142
La distribución regional de la renta y su polarización en la Unión
Revista de Economía Mundial
in ISI web of Knowledge),
nº. 10, 2004, pp. 151-169
¿Cuáles son los determinantes de las diferencias salariales en
Cuadernos Aragones de Economía,
vol. XV, nº. 2, 2005, pp. 449-462.
La productividad industrial en las regiones de la UE, 1980-2003
(con/with José Villaverde)
Papeles de Economía Española,
nº. 107, 2006, pp. 66-79.
¿Convergencia y flexibilidad salarial?: Un análisis para las
provincias españolas.
Revista Asturiana de Economía,
nº. 35, 2006, pp. 93-109
análisis de las migraciones en España y sus diferencias provinciales
(con/with José Villaverde)
Revista de Economía Aragonesa,
nº. 34, diciembre de 2007, pp. 67-80.
La distribución territorial de la inversión pública: una perspectiva
(con/with José Villaverde)
Papeles de Economía Española,
nº. 118, 2008, pp. 2-14
Los fondos estructurales europeos y la convergencia
de las regiones españolas: 2000-2006
(con/with José Villaverde)
Papeles de Economía Española,
nº. 123, 2010, pp. 2-15
¿Flexibilidad o rigidez salarial en España?: Un
análisis a escala regional
(con/with Ignacio Moral-Arce)
Revista de Estudios Empresariales,
nº. 1, 2010, pp. 217-230
La distribución regional de la I+D entre las regiones
(con/with José Villaverde)
Revista Galega de Economía,
vol. 19, nº. extraordinario, 2010, pp. 45-60
El hinterland de las fachadas marítimas españolas
(con/with José Villaverde)
Papeles de Economía Española,
nº. 131, 2012, pp. 180-199
The ECB monetary policy and the Taylor rule,
(con/with Blanca Sánchez-Robles)
Revista de Economía Mundial (indexed
in ISI web of Knowledge), nº. 33, 2013, pp. 179-193
Gasto sanitario en la Unión Europea. ¿Existen signos
de convergencia?
(con/with José Villaverde, María Hierro)
Cuadernos de Información Económica,
vol. 233, 2013, pp. 73-81
To what extent do regional disparities depend on the
measure and indicator employed?: A reference to the EU
(con/with José Villaverde)
Revista de
Economía Mundial (indexed
in ISI web of Knowledge), nº. 34, 2013, pp. 145-171
Should cohesion policy focus on fostering R&D?
Evidence from Spain
(con/with José Villaverde,
María Hierro)
Investigaciones Regionales, nº. 29, 2014, pp. 139-164
La productividad de la regiones europeas: Un análisis
agregado y por sectores
(con/with José Villaverde,
María Hierro)
Ekonomiaz, nº. 86, 2014, pp. 32-61
The effects of interpersonal fiscal redistribution on
provincial growth and convergence in Spain
(con/with José Villaverde,
María Hierro)
Hacienda Pública Española/Review of Public Economics
in ISI web of Knowledge), nº. 209, 2014, pp. 151-170
Competencia y Competitividad portuarias: Una
aplicación a las fachadas marítimas españolas
(con/with José Villaverde)
Revista de Evaluación de Programas y
Políticas Públicas,
4, 2015, pp. 59-85
The effects of the TTIP on EU countries: An ex-ante
(con/with José Villaverde)
Revista de
Economía Mundial
in ISI web of Knowledge), vol. 42, 2016, pp. 169-192
La resiliencia de la economía cántabra: de la crisis
a la recuperación
(con/with José Villaverde)
Papeles de Economía Española,
148, 2016, pp. 67-76
Foreign direct investment in the Spanish regions:
What are the influencing factors?
(con/with Paula Gutiérrez-Portilla, José Villaverde,
María Hierro)
Investigaciones Regionales,
35, 2016, pp. 67-82
Las migraciones interiores en España, 2000-2014:
Evidencia a partir de un análisis de econometría espacial
(con/with José Villaverde)
Papeles de Economía Española,
nº. 152, 2017, pp. 52-69
Regional disparities in the EU: Mobility and polarisation
(con/with José Villaverde)
Applied Economics Letters, vol. 11,
nº. 8, junio 2004, pp. 517-522
Interregional migration in Spain: A semiparametric analysis
(con/with José Villaverde)
Review of Regional Studies, vol. 34,
nº. 2, 2004, pp. 37-52
On regional shocks in the Spanish economy
(con/with José Villaverde)
Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, vol. 17,
nº. 1, 2005,
pp. 51-66.
An analysis of wage flexibility: Evidence from the Spanish regions
(con/with Ignacio Moral-Arce)
Annals of Regional Science, vol. 40,
nº. 3, 2006, pp. 621-637.
Wage flexibility and the EMU: A non-parametric and semiparametric
analysis for the Spanish case
Applied Economics Letters, vol. 13,
nº. 11, 2006, pp. 733-736.
Migrations and regional convergence: The case of Spain
Review of Regional Research, vol. 26,
nº. 2, 2006, pp. 191-202.
A territorial analysis of wage
convergence/differentials in Spain
(con/with José Villaverde)
Revue d'Economie Régionale et Urbaine,
nº. 4, 2006, pp. 615-630.
A State Space approach to the analysis of economic shocks in Spain
(con/with José Villaverde)
Journal of Policy Modeling, vol. 29,
nº. 1, 2007, pp. 55-63.
Okun’s law in the Spanish regions
(con/with José Villaverde)
Economics Bulletin, vol. 18,
nº. 5, 2007, pp. 1-11.
Productivity convergence in the European regions, 1980-2003: A
sectoral and spatial approach
(con/with José Villaverde)
Applied Economics, vol. 40,
nº. 10, 2008, pp. 1299-1313.
note on the need to account for spatial dependence: A case of migratory
flows in Spain
(con/with José Villaverde)
Review of Regional Studies,
vol. 38, nº. 1, 2008, pp. 105-111
The world per capita electricity consumption distribution: Signs of
(con/with José Villaverde)
Energy Policy, vol. 36,
nº. 11, 2008, pp. 4255-4261
Regional productivity distribution in the EU: which are the
influencing factors?
(con/with José Villaverde, María Hierro)
European Planning Studies, vol. 17,
nº. 1, 2009, pp. 149-159
A semiparametric approach to examine wage flexibility
(con/with Ignacio Moral-Arce)
Applied Economics Letters, vol. 16,
nº. 5, 2009, pp. 515-518.
Provincial wages in
Spain: Convergence and flexibility
(con/with José Villaverde)
Urban Studies, vol. 46,
nº. 9, 2009,
pp. 1969-1993
Analyzing the ECB's monetary policy using
cointegration techniques
(con/with Blanca Sánchez-Robles)
Finance India, vol.
XXIII, nº. 1, 2009, pp. 59-70 -
Spatial effects on provincial convergence and income distribution in
Spain: 1985-2003
(con/with José Villaverde)
Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale
Geografie/Journal of Economics & Social Geography, vol. 100,
nº. 3, 2009, pp. 316-331
The robustness of the Okun’s law in Spain, 1980-2004: Regional
(con/with José Villaverde)
Journal of Policy Modeling, vol. 31,
nº. 2, 2009, pp. 289-297
Structural shifts in the dynamics of the European income
(con/with María Hierro)
Economic Modelling,
vol. 26, nº. 3, 2009, pp. 733-739
Non-stationary transition matrices: an overlooked issue in
intra-distribution dynamics
(con/with María Hierro)
Letters, vol. 103,
nº. 2, 2009, pp. 107-109
Per capita income convergence and internal migration in Spain: Are
foreign-born migrants playing an important role?
(con/with María Hierro)
Papers in Regional Science,
vol. 89, nº. 1, 2010, pp. 89-107
differences and their determinants in Spain: A spatial analysis
(con/with José Villaverde)
Italian Journal of Regional Science,
vol. 10, nº. 3, 2010, pp. 119-132
Measuring intra-distribution
income dynamics: An application to the European regions
(con/with María
Hierro, José Villaverde)
Annals of Regional Science,
vol. 45, nº. 2, 2010, pp. 313-329
Provincial disparities in post-reform China
(con/with José Villaverde, Bala Ramasamy)
China & World Economy,
vol. 18, nº. 2, 2010, pp. 73-95
internal migrants: Are they playing a different role than natives on
income convergence in Spain?
(con/with María Hierro)
Applied Geography,
vol. 30, nº. 4, 2010, pp. 618-628.
Renewable electricity
consumption in the EU-27: Are cross-country differences diminishing?
(con/with María
Hierro, José Villaverde)
Renewable Energy,
vol. 35, nº. 9, 2010, pp. 2094-2101
European metropolitan regions: A convergence process?
(con/with José Villaverde)
Economics Bulletin, vol.
30, nº. 3, 2010, pp. 2312-2320.
Renewable electricity
consumption in the EU: Are we meeting the targets?
(con/with María
Hierro, José Villaverde)
European Planning Studies,
vol. 18, nº. 9, 2010, pp. 1507-1518
Regional disparities in
the EU: Are they robust to the use of different measures and indicators?
(con/with José Villaverde)
EU regional convergence and policy:
Does the concept of region matter?
(con/with José Villaverde)
Journal of Policy Modeling,
vol. 33, nº. 6, 2011, pp. 889-900.
Globalisation, growth and convergence
(con/with José Villaverde)
The World Economy,
vol. 34, nº. 6, 2011, pp. 952-971.
Foreign direct investment in Spain: Regional
distribution and determinants
(con/with José Villaverde)
International Business
Review, vol. 21, nº. 4, 2012, pp.
Explaining polarization in the EU-27's international
migration distribution
María Hierro, José Villaverde)
Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale
Geografie/Journal of Economics & Social Geography, vol. 103,
nº. 4, 2012, pp. 396-411
The Chinese per capita income distribution,
1992-2007: A regional perspective
(con/with José Villaverde)
Asian Economic Journal, vol.
26, nº. 4, 2012, pp. 313-331.
Trade openness, growth and development: Evidence from
heterogeneous panel cointegration analysis for middle-income
Daniel Sakyi, José Villaverde,
Krishna Reddy Chittedi)
Cuadernos de Economía,
vol. XXXI, nº. especial, 2012, pp. 21-40.
Income distribution dynamics across the European
regions: Re-examining the role of space
(con/with María Hierro, José Villaverde)
Modelling, vol. 29, nº. 6, 2012, pp. 2632-2640.
Inward foreign direct investment in the European
Union: Regional distribution and determinants
(con/with José Villaverde)
A proposal for detecting spatial contagion: Some
evidence on the international migration distribution in Spain
(con/with María Hierro, José Villaverde)
Papers in Regional Science,
vol. 92, nº. 4, 2013, pp. 811-829.
Explaining the settlement patterns of foreigners in
José Villaverde, María Hierro)
Geography, vol.
49, 2013, pp. 11-20.
Health care expenditure disparities in the European
Union and underlying factors: a distribution dynamics approach
José Villaverde, María Hierro)
International Journal of Health Care
Finance & Economics, vol. 14,
nº. 3, 2014, pp. 251-268.
Examining regional disparities in the EU-15: A
convergence approach
(con/with José Villaverde, Maria Hierro, Paula Gutiérrez-Portilla,
María Gutiérrez-Portilla)
Investigación Económica,
vol. 73, nº. 279, 2014, pp. 35-58
From discrete to continuous-time transition matrices
in intra-distribution dynamics analysis: an application to per
capita wealth in Europe
(con/with María Hierro)
Bulletin of
Economic Research, vol. 67, nº. 3, 2015, pp. 227-235.
Non-CO2 generating energy shares in the world:
Cross-country differences and polarization
José Villaverde, María Hierro)
Environmental and Resource Economics, vol.
61, nº. 3, 2015, pp. 319-343.
La curva de Beveridge para España: Nueva evidencia
para el periodo 2000-2011
(con/with José Villaverde, Maria Hierro)
Cuadernos de Economía,
vol. XXXIV, nº. 64, 2015, pp. 199-228.
The determinants of inward foreign direct investment:
Evidence from the European regions
(con/with José Villaverde)
International Business Review, vol.
24, nº. 2, 2015, pp. 209-223
Trade openness, income levels, and economic growth:
The case of developing countries, 1970-2009
(con/with Daniel Sakyi, José Villaverde)
Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, vol.
24, nº. 6, 2015, pp. 860-882.
A new FDI potential index: Design and application to
the EU regions
(con/with José Villaverde)
European Planning Studies,
vol. 23, nº. 12, 2015, pp. 2535-2565.
The impact of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership (TTIP) on the Spanish regions: A preliminary analysis
(con/with José Villaverde)
The Effects of Trade, Trade Facilitation on Economic
Growth in Africa
Daniel Sakyi, José Villaverde,
Isaac Bonuedi)
African Development Review,
vol. 29, nº. 2, 2017, pp. 350-361.
Foreigners versus natives in Spain: Different migration
patterns? Any changes in the aftermath of the crisis?
María Gutiérrez-Portilla, María Hierro)
Annals of Regional Science,
vol. 61, nº. 1, 2018, pp. 139-159.
Internal migration in Spain: Dealing with
multilateral resistance and nonlinearities
María Gutiérrez-Portilla, María Hierro, José Villaverde)
International Migration, vol. 57,
nº. 1, 2019, pp. 75-93
Internal migration dynamics in Spain: Winners and
losers from the recent economic recession
(con/with María Hierro, José Villaverde)
Population, Space and Place,
vol. 25, nº. 2, 2019, e2176
Has the crisis affected Spanish direct investment
abroad? A spatial panel data approach
Gutiérrez-Portilla, José Villaverde)
World Economy, vol. 42, nº. 4, 2019,
pp. 1032-1056
Spatial linkages in FDI location: Evidence from the
Spanish regions
Gutiérrez-Portilla, José Villaverde)
Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale
Geografie/Journal of Economics & Social Geography, vol. 110,
nº. 4, 2019, pp. 395-411
The 2017 regional election in Catalonia: An attempt
to understand the pro-independence vote
(con/with José Villaverde,
María Hierro)
Economia Politica. Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics,
vol. 36, nº. 1, 2019, pp. 1-18
A spatial approach to the FDI-growth nexus in Spain:
Dealing with the headquarters effect
(con/with Paula Gutiérrez-Portilla, José Villaverde)
International Business Review, vol.
28, nº. 6, 2019, 101597
The economic resilience of the Spanish provinces:
From recession to recovery
(con/with José Villaverde)
Acta Oeconomica, vol. 70, nº.
2, 2020, pp. 195-213
Looking beyond the influence of origin and
destination factors: The role of spillovers in migration from Spain
to Europe
(con/with María
Gutiérrez-Portilla, María Hierro)
Journal of Economics/Ekonomicky Casopis, vol. 68, nº. 6,
2020, pp. 580-600
A spatial approach to the impact of immigration on
wages: Evidence from Spain
María Gutiérrez-Portilla, José Villaverde, María Hierro)
Regional Studies, vol. 54, nº. 4,
2020, pp. 505-514
On the drivers of UK direct investment in the Spanish
Regions: A spatial durbin approach
Paula Gutiérrez-Portilla,
José Villaverde)
Growth and Change, vol. 51, nº. 2,
2020, pp. 646-675
Internal migration in Spain: A complementary approach
Economies, vol. 8, nº. 3, 2020, 59
The role of spillovers in Okun’s law: Empirical
evidence from Spain
(con/with José Villaverde)
vol. 68, nº. 4, 2021, pp. 507-530
International trade and foreign direct investment as
determinants of economic growth: Evidence from Spain
Journal of International Economics,
vol. 12, nº. 2, 2021, pp. 13-26
Gauging the responsibility assumed by national
governments in receiving asylum seekers: An overlooked cornerstone
of the EU asylum policy
Maria Hierro)
Migration Letters,
vol. 19, nº. 2, 2022, pp. 139-147
Modelling changing patterns in the COVID-19
geographical distribution: Madrid’s case
Maria Hierro)
Geographical Research,
vol. 60, nº. 2, 2022, pp. 218-231
Attempting to measure the intensity of opposite feelings in
elections: A polarization approach to Catalonia's independence case
Maria Hierro)
Economia Politica. Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics,
vol. 39, nº. 2, 2022, pp. 323-344
Regional differences in Okun's law and explanatory
factors: Some insights from Europe
International Regional Science Review,
vol. 45, nº. 5, 2022, pp. 555-580
FDI and exports relation: A heterogeneous panel approach dealing
with cross-sectional dependence
Paula Gutiérrez-Portilla)
International Economics,
vol. 170, 2022, pp. 174-189
Spatial contagion during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic:
Some lessons from the case of Madrid, Spain
Maria Hierro)
Science, Policy & Practice,
vol. 15, nº. 3, 2023, pp. 474-492
Asylum burden-sharing within the EU revisited: Are we
moving on the right track?
Maria Hierro, José Villaverde)
Journal of Economic Policy Reform,
vol. 26, nº. 2, 2023, pp. 126-144
Measuring regional competitiveness: New insights
based on the RCI
(con/with Maria Hierro)
Review of
Regional Studies,
vol. 54, nº. 1, 2024, pp. 53-76
Scientific method for assessing "Real Madrid DNA":
Merely a catchy journalistic term or reality?
National Accounting Review,
vol. 6, nº. 2, 2024, pp. 291-313
Toward the identification of laggard rural areas: An
evolutionary resilience approach
(con/with Maria Hierro)
Scottish Geographical Journal,
A capacity-based approach for assessing changes in
responsibility-sharing in the EU: Comparing the Syrian and Ukrainian
refugee crises
(con/with Maria Hierro)
Journal of Common
Market Studies, vol. 62, nº. 6,
2024, pp. 1734-1746.
How social networks shape refugee movements in
wartime: Evidence from the Russian attack to Ukraine
(con/with Maria Hierro)
International Migration Review,
Temporary protection, refugee fatigue and political discontent in EU
cities of refuge
(con/with Maria Hierro)
Urban and Regional Studies,
vol. 32, nº. 1, 2025, pp. 10-14.
Delving into the FDI-economic growth relationship at the regional
level: Headquarters effect in FDI data
(con/with Maria Hierro)
International Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 97, 2025,
España en la Unión Monetaria Europea: La flexibilidad
regional de los salarios. VIII Annual Congress of the Portuguese
Association for Regional Development (APDR), Vila Real, Portugal,
29th June to 1st July 2001. -
Perturbaciones asimétricas: Un análisis empírico para las regiones
españolas. IX Annual Congress of the Portuguese Association for
Regional Development (APDR), Lisboa, Portugal, 27th to 29th June
EMU and macroeconomic shocks: Some evidence on
Spanish regions (con/with Blanca Sánchez-Robles).
Annual Congress of the European Regional Studies Association (ERSA),
Dortmund (Germany), 27th 31st August 2002. -
costes asociados a la formación de la UME: Un análisis para las
regiones españolas. Encuentros Virtuales de Economía, EUMED.NET,
Universidad de Málaga, 5-20 May 2003. -
EMU and macroeconomic shocks: Some evidence on
Spanish regions (con/with Blanca Sánchez-Robles).
VIII Jornadas de Economía Internacional, Ciudad Real, 25-27th June 2003. -
distribución regional de la renta y su polarización en la Unión
Europea. XXIX Reunión de Estudios Regionales, Santander, 27-28th
November 2003. -
Regional asymmetric shocks in Spain: an State
Space approach(con/with José Villaverde). XXIX
Reunión de Estudios Regionales, Santander, 27-28th November
análisis de las diferencias salariales en España y sus
determinantes. VII Encuentro de Economía Aplicada, Vigo, 3-5th June 2004.
An attempt to modelize the ECB’s monetary policy
(con/with Blanca Sánchez-Robles). Internacional
Conference on Policy Modelling (EcoMod2004), Paris (France), 30th
June to 2nd July 2004.
Migratory flows in Spain: a nonparametric and
semiparametric approach (con/with José
Villaverde). Annual Congress of the European Regional Studies Association (ERSA), Oporto (Portugal), 25th
to 29th August 2004 (R-sessions).
migration in Spain: a semiparametric analysis (con/with José Villaverde). XXX Reunión de Estudios
Regionales, Barcelona, 18-19th November 2004. -
labor market flexibility using a semiparametric panel data model
(con/with Ignacio Moral Arce). XXX Reunión de
Estudios Regionales, Barcelona, 18-19th November 2004. -
efecto de las migraciones en el proceso de convergencia regional en
España. Encuentros Virtuales de Economía, EUMED.NET, Universidad de
Málaga, 5-25th November 2004. -
migration in Spain: A semiparametric analysis (con/with José Villaverde). VIII Encuentro de Economía
Aplicada, Murcia, 16-18th June 2005. -
análisis de las migraciones interprovinciales en España y sus
determinantes. Encuentros Virtuales de Economía, EUMED.NET,
Universidad de Málaga, 7-25th November 2005. -
La productividad industrial en las
regiones de la Unión Europea, 1980-2003: Una perspectiva sectorial
(con/with José Villaverde). XXXI Reunión de Estudios
Regionales, Alcalá de Henares, 17-18th November 2005. -
convergence in the European regions, 1980-2003: A sectoral and
spatial approach (con/with José Villaverde).
Workshop on the theme: "Regional
agglomeration growth and multilevel governance: the EU in a
comparative perspective", Ghent (Bélgica), 24th to 25th
2005. -
Provincial wages in Spain: convergence and
flexibility (con/with José Villaverde). XXXII
Reunión de Estudios Regionales, Ourense, 16-18th November 2006.
Inmigración Extranjera y Convergencia Provincial en España: El Papel
de las Migraciones Interiores de Extranjeros (con/with
María Hierro). X Jornadas de Economía Internacional, Madrid, 21st-22nd
June 2007. -
The robustness of Okun’s law in Spain: Regional
evidence (con/with José Villaverde). Annual Congress of the European Regional Studies Association (ERSA 47th
Congress), París (France), 29th to 31st August 2007 (R-sessions).
Migración interna de extranjeros y ¿nueva fase en la convergencia?
(con/with María Hierro). XXXIII Reunión de Estudios
Regionales, León, 15-16th November 2007. -
The robustness of Okun’s law in Spain: Regional
evidence (con/with José Villaverde). XXXIII
Reunión de Estudios Regionales, León, 15-16th November 2007.
A spatial analysis of wage differentials for the
Spanish provinces (con/with José Villaverde).
Annual Congress of the European Regional Studies Association (ERSA
48th Congress), Liverpool (United Kingdom), 27th to 31st August 2008.
Changes in intra-distribution dynamics in the
European regions (con/with María Hierro). Annual Congress of
the European Regional Studies Association (ERSA
48th Congress), Liverpool (United Kingdom), 27th to 31st August 2008.
Measurement of intra-distribution dynamics:
Different approaches (con/with María Hierro, José Villaverde). XXXIV Reunión de Estudios Regionales, Jaén, 27-29th
November 2008. -
Globalisation, growth and convergence (con/with José Villaverde). Conference
presented in
“International trade: a global perspective for the
21st century”, Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom, 5th
December 2008. -
Foreign direct investment in Spain: Regional distribution and determinants (con/with
José villaverde). Conference
presented in Workshop “Economics of global interactions: new
perspectives on trade, factor mobility and development”, Universitá
Degli Studi di Bari, Bari, Italy, 6-7th September 2010
The role of space in explaining income distribution
dynamics between EU regions (con/with María Hierro, José Villaverde).
7º Workshop APRD "The future of the cohesion policy", XXXVI Reunión de Estudios Regionales,
Badajoz-Elbas, 17-19th November 2010.
Foreign direct investment in Spain: Regional distribution and determinants (con/with
José villaverde). 7º Workshop APRD "The future of the cohesion
policy", XXXVI Reunión de Estudios Regionales, Badajoz-Elbas, 17-19th November
Los fondos estructurales europeos y la convergencia
de las regiones españolas, 2000-2006 (con/with
José villaverde). Acto anual sobre "Política Regional y Fondos
Europeos en España, 2010", Alcalá, 25-26th November, 2010
Provincial international migration
in Spain: Which factors are behind? (con/with José Villaverde, María Hierro). Annual Congress of
the European Regional Studies Association (ERSA 51st Congress),
Barcelona (España), 30th August to 3rd September 2011.
Adaptación al EEES: Experiencias desde la asignatura
“Macroeconomía IV: Economía Internacional” (con/with María Hierro).
XV Reunión de Economía Mundial,
Santander (España), 5-7th June 2013.
The effect of FDI on economic growth in the European
regions (con/with José Villaverde, María Gutiérrez-Portilla, Paula
Gutiérrez-Portilla). XV Reunión de Economía Mundial,
Santander (España), 5-7th June 2013.
Inward foreign direct investment in the European
regions (con/with José Villaverde). XV Reunión de Economía Mundial,
Santander (España), 5-7th June 2013.
Trade openness, income levels, and economic growth:
The case of developing countries, 1970-2009 (con/with Daniel Saky, José Villaverde).
AEL conference 2013 “Development Economics and Policy”,
Munich (Alemania), 21-22nd June 2013.
Exploring the link between R&D and
economic growth: Evidence from the Spanish provinces (con/with José
Villaverde, María Hierro). XXIX Reunión de Estudios Regionales,
Oviedo (Spain), 21-22nd November 2013.
Internal migration dynamics in Spain before and after
the 2008 economic downturn: Continuities and changes
(con/with María Hierro, José Villaverde). Wim Meeusen Workshop,
Santander (Spain), 30-31st October 2014.
Internal migration dynamics in Spain before and after
the 2008 economic downturn: Continuities and changes
(con/with María Hierro, José Villaverde). XL Reunión de Estudios Regionales,
Zaragoza (Spain), 20-21st November 2014.
Foreign direct investment in Spanish regions: Which
are the determining factors?
(con/with Paula Gutiérrez, José Villaverde). XVII Reunión de Economía
Mundial, Gijón (Spain), 3-5th June 2015.
Determinants of interregional
migration in Spain: Are there differences between foreigners and
(con/with María Gutiérrez-Portilla, María
Hierro). XVII Reunión de Economía Mundial, Gijón (Spain),
June 2015.
Okun’s law among Spanish regions: A spatial panel
approach (con/with José Villaverde). 80th International Atlantic
Economic Conference, Boston (United States), 7-11th October 2015
Okun’s law among Spanish regions: A spatial panel
approach (con/with José Villaverde). 6th Wim Meeussen Workshop,
Stafford (United Kingdom), 29-30th October 2015
Okun’s law among Spanish regions: A spatial panel
approach (con/with José Villaverde).
XLI Reunión de Estudios Regionales,
Reus (Spain), 19-20th November 2015.
ejemplo de aplicación práctica para la enseñanza de macroeconomía
Intermedia: demanda agregada-oferta agregada (con/with María Hierro,
María Gutiérrez-Portilla, Paula Gutiérrez-Portilla). XVIII Reunión
de Economía Mundial, Madrid, 1-3th June 2016.
Evolución de resultados de la asignatura
“Macroeconomía II” en el marco del EEES (con/with María
Hierro, María Gutiérrez-Portilla, Paula Gutiérrez-Portilla). XVIII
Reunión de Economía Mundial, Madrid, 1-3th June 2016.
Spatial linkages to FDI location: evidence from the
Spanish regions (con/with José Villaverde, Paula
Gutiérrez-Portilla). XVIII Reunión de Economía Mundial, Madrid,
1-3th June 2016.
spatial approach of the impact of immigration on wages: evidence
from Spain (con/with María Hierro, María Gutiérrez-Portilla). XVIII
Reunión de Economía Mundial, Madrid, 1-3th June 2016.
Spatial linkages to FDI location: evidence from the
Spanish regions (con/with José Villaverde, Paula
Gutiérrez-Portilla). 56th ERSA Congress, Vienna (Austria),
23-26th August 2016.
The effect of immigration on wages: A spatial panel
approach for the Spanish provinces (con/with María Hierro,
Gutiérrez-Portilla). 56th ERSA Congress, Vienna (Austria),
23-26th August 2016.
A spatial approach to the impact of
immigration on wages: Evidence from Spain (con/with María
Gutiérrez-Portilla, José Villaverde, María Hierro).
NECTAR cluster meeting: Travel, Migration,
Housing and Labour Market, Toledo (Spain),
6-7th October 2016.
A spatial approach to the impact of
immigration on wages: Evidence from Spain (con/with María
Gutiérrez-Portilla, José Villaverde, María Hierro). 4nd Wim Meussen
Workshop, Lille (France),
27th October 2016.
Outflows of foreign population from Spain:
Which factors are behind?
(con/with María
Gutiérrez-Portilla, María Hierro). 42nd AECR Congress, Santiago de
Compostela (Spain),
16-18th November 2016.
What drives Spanish FDI outflows?: A spatial
panel data approach
(con/with Paula
Gutiérrez-Portilla, José Villaverde). 42nd AECR Congress, Santiago
de Compostela (Spain),
16-18th November 2016.
Relationship between FDI and exports: Evidence from
Spain (con/with Paula Gutiérrez-Portilla, José Villaverde). 57th ERSA Congress,
Groningen (The Netherlands),
29th August-1st September 2017.
What drives migration outflows of foreign population
from Spain?: Evidence from the great recession (con/with María
Gutiérrez-Portilla, María Hierro). 57th ERSA Congress, Groningen (The
29th August-1st September 2017.
Relationship between FDI and exports: Evidence from
Spain (con/with Paula Gutiérrez-Portilla, José Villaverde). 43rd AECR Congress,
Sevilla (Spain),
15-17th November 2017.
What drives migration outflows of foreign population
from Spain?: Evidence from the great recession (con/with María
Gutiérrez-Portilla, María Hierro). 43rd AECR Congress, Sevilla (Spain),
15-17th November 2017.
Adaptación de la asignatura "Macroeconomía
Intermedia" al EEES: Un enfoque comparado (con/with Paula
Gutiérrez-Portilla, María Gutiérrez-Portilla, María Hierro). XV Foro
Internacional sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación
Superior y la Investigación (FECIES), Cantabria (Spain),
10-12th May 2018.
Un ejemplo de innovación docente en "Macroeconomía II":
Estudio del equilibrio del consumidor con MATLAB (con/with María
Gutiérrez-Portilla, Paula Gutiérrez-Portilla, María Hierro). XV Foro
Internacional sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación
Superior y la Investigación (FECIES), Cantabria (Spain),
10-12th May 2018.
A spatial approach to the FDI-growth nexus in Spain (con/with
Gutiérrez-Portilla, José Villaverde). 1st GCD Meeting on Regional
Economics and Development, A Coruña (Spain),
4th June 2019.
International migration and labour market: Some
evidence from Spain. 1st GCD Seminar on Innovation and Regional
Development, A Coruña (Spain), 24th October 2019.
Immigration and voting behaviour:
Evidence from Andalusian 2018 elections (con/with María Hierro). I
International online Conference on Regional Science, 26-27th November
Spatial Contagion during the First
Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Some Lessons from the Case of Madrid,
Spain (con/with María Hierro). RSSP Workshop: Pandemics, Location
and Mobility, Azores (Portugal), 1st-2nd November
Crecimiento e instituciones
económicas en Colombia: El caso de la formalización empresarial (con/with
José Alfonso Sáenz Zapata). XIII Encuentro Nacional de la Asociación
Colombiana de Estudios Regionales y Urbanos - ASCER, 19th November
Unravelling rural resilience to face
depopulation in Cantabria (Spain) (con/with
María Hierro). SETTLE International Conference entitled "Population
imbalances in Europe: Challenges of urban concentration versus urban
depopulation", Alcalá de Henares (Spain), 27-29th April 2022.
International migration and labour market: Evidence from Spain.
Erasmus Mundus Master Degree in Economics of Globalisation and
European Integration (EGEI) Seminar, 27th May 2022.
New insights for measuring regional competitiveness:
A preliminary approach (con/with María Hierro). 47th AECR Congress,
Granada (Spain),
19-22nd October 2022.
Improving digital agriculture to achieve sustainable
development: Analysis and policy proposals (con/with Vitalina
Babenko, Maryna Nehrey, Olaga Pushko).
Green sustainability: Towards innovative digital transformation:
proceedings of ITAF 2023, Cairo (Egypt), 4th-5th February
Forced migration and social networks: A case study of
Ukrainian migration towards the European Union since the outbreak of
the 2022 Russian attack of Ukraine (con/with María Hierro). 23th
Reunión de Economía Mundial, Santander (Spain), 25-26th May 2023.
Forced migration and social networks: A case study of
Ukrainian migration towards the EU since the Russian attack of Ukraine (con/with María Hierro).
62nd ERSA Congress, Alicante (Spain), 28th August-1st September