IH obtained his PhD in March 2006, in the University of Cantabria, Spain.  His PhD thesis was devoted to the study of the interplay between structure and spectroscopic properties in Mn2+ and Cr3+ inorganic fluorides. High pressure techniques were applied in order to understand these systems and to obtain design rules for new materials, including the electronic effects occurring in these luminescent materials at the nanoscale. During his PhD, IH spent several months training in leading foreign laboratories, viz: the Institut des Milieux Condensés, the University of Paris VI and Laboratoire de Phsyique des Milieux Condenses et Nanostrusctures, Lyon 1 in France and at the Dept. of Physics, Colorado State University (USA).

IH post-doctoral was focused towards optical properties of transition metal ions and rare-earths in inorganic materials, focussing on changes in the fundamental and excited states (state crossing) and up-conversion (conversion of IR into visible or UV) [See reseach topics]

In 2007 IH obtained a Royal Academy of Engineering/EPSRC research fellowship in Queen Mary, University of London. The aim of this project was to study and optimize the mechanisms leading to highly efficient sensitized lanthanide emitters. IH has contributed to improve the understanding of energy transfer in these systems, and co-suepervised three PhDs.

IH has participated in MALTA Consolider, a large scale collaborative project involving several Spanish groups devoted to the study of diverse materials-related phenomena at extreme conditions. IH has been awarded the (biennial) 2007 Jamieson Award, by the International Association for the Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology (AIRAPT) for outstanding achievement in the field of high pressure research by a graduate student or postdoctoral researcher and the Consejo Social Award by the University of Cantabria in 2009.

In 2012, IH obtained an EU(FP7)-funded Marie Curie CIG project to return to Universidad de Cantabria as a tenure track. IH obtained a lectureship position in Condensed Matter Physics in 2017 and promoted to Profesor Titular in 2019.

IH has taught (at undergraduate level) at the U. of Cantabria and at post-graduate level at the Imperial/QMUL Doctoral Training Centre on Plastic Electronics and the Doctoral School at QMUL. IH has also supervised or co-supervised several PhDs and a number of Finay Year Project Projects. IH has taken a number of teaching, grant writing and research leadership courses. IH participates regularly in outreach activities. IH currently teaches in the faculties of Science, Education and Engineering.

IH has published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, including Nature Materials, Advanced Materials, Physical Review Letters, Chemical Communications, J. of Physical Chemistry, J. of Materials Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Phys. Rev. B, etc. IH has contributed communications to international conferences with poster and oral contributions, including invited talks, a plenary lecture and organization tasks in EHPRG´39. IH has co-authored a patent in the field or organic infra-red lasers.

IH  has been a reviewer for leading international journals in the fields of physics, high pressure, spectroscopy and materials science, being an Editorial Board Member of the journal Scientific Reports, and has been invited as a chairman in international conferences.

Dr. Ignacio Hernández Campo  hernandi[at]unican.es

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