Who we are

"Technological and Financial Decisions by Manufacturing Firms in Southern Europe" is a research project that has been developed since 1997 for Spain, Greece and Portugal by initiative of the European Commission and the contributions from diverse institutes and universities, such as the United Nations University-INTECH (Institute for New Technologies), University of Oxford-FTPRC (Finance & Trade Policy Research Centre), University Complutense of Madrid and University of Cantabria, University of Atenas, Panteion  University, CEDE, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestao.

The sectorial information obtained that is endowed of an analytic and formal explanation, makes of this project an instrument for  financial and technology policy advice for institutions and corporations. The results of the research will be key factors for institutional building capabilities and business corporate strategies in the actual and potential members of the European Union.

The Spanish research team has two basic headquarters:

On the one hand, the University Complutense of Madrid, that deals basically with the financial aspects of the project. It is directed by the Dr. Angel Martínez González-Tablas (Economic Professor in Economics), expert in banking and industrial structures with an extensive network of contacts with the entrepenurial environment and the local financial system. This research counts with the fundamental contribution of Enrique de la Puerta, expert in financing innovative SME projects.

On the other hand, the University of Cantabria has developed the technological aspects of the project. It is directed by Dr. Daniel Díaz Fuentes (Senior Lecturer in  Economics) that counts on an extensive experience in Innovation and Economics of the Technological Change and is based in the Department of Economics of the University of Cantabria. The implementation of the field-work and survey research has been developed by Erika Kraemer, PhD in Economics in University of Cantabria -specialised in Economics of the Technological Change- and MSc in SPRU (Science and Policy Research Unit, of the University of Sussex).

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