He is full professor of Computer Architecture (1991) at the Universidad de Cantabria (UC) and Scientific Director of its Supercomputing Services (2007) whose node Altamira belongs to the RES (Spanish Supercomputing Network). He is also associated researcher at BSC (Barcelona Supercomputing Center).
He obtained a PhD degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) in 1986. Since 1991, he teaches computer architecture and high-performance computing at the UC in the Telecommunication Engineering School and the Computer Science School of which was its first Director in 2004. Previously, he has been professor at the universities Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) and Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and visiting researcher at UCLA, UC Irvine, Adelaide University, IBM Zurich Labs and BSC/UPC. He has supervised or co-supervised 14 PhD theses on High-Performance Computing (HPC). Some of the technical contributions presented on these theses are used by the industry, like the interconnection mechanisms of the IBM BlueGene supercomputers and other big machines from China and Russia.
He has been officially awarded six positive 6-year research periods and one period of technology transfer. He has published more than 130 technical papers, more than 10% of them in journals of the first quartile. These have deserved more than 2400 citations (1000 since 2015), giving him an h index of 25, according to Google Scholar. He has participated in (or supervised) more than 40 R+D projects, 8 of them with European funding. During the last 6 years his group has been able to attract to the UC research funding totaling around 1 M€; in addition, he participates in other European R+D projects and contracts with industry through the BSC. His main research interests include high-performance computing and its applications, memory hierarchies and on-chip and system interconnection networks.