Numerical sofware
for algorithms and associated software appearing
in the book
Numerical Methods for Special Functions
This includes verified software for:
Airy functions
Scorer functions
Prolate spheroidal harmonics
Oblate spheroidal harmonics
Toroidal harmonics
Modified Bessel functions of integer orders
Modified spherical Bessel functions
Modified Bessel functions of purely imaginary order
Parabolic cylinder functions of real order
Zeros of first kind Bessel functions
Additional published software:
Parabolic cylinder function W(a,x) and its derivative
Laguerre polynomials
Conical function
(see update
A new Fortran code to compute Legendre functions
Computation and inversion of the gamma cumulative distribution (central and non-central)
This package includes the computation and inversion of Marcum functions as well as other
functions which are used in this computation: gamma function, logarithm of the gamma
function, regulated gamma function, error function...
Software under development:
Gaussian quadrature
(Gauss Hermire and Gauss-Laguerre so far)
Zeros of general Bessel functions and of their derivatives
(including mixed derivatives)
[Preliminary codes]
Complex zeros of second order ODEs
(Bessel, parabolic cylinder functions, Bessel polynomials)
[Preliminary Maple worksheets]