We offer four fortran programs for computing zeros of Bessel functions
and of the derivatives, including mixed derivatives
The first two programs compute the zeros of first kind Bessel functions
(BesselJZ.f) and of the first derivative (BesselJD.f).
In these two programs, the method of computation of Bessel functions is solely
based on a continued fraction. This gives a simple method which, however, slows
down for large arguments (but it supersedes our previous algorithm).
The other two programs use Amos' algorithm for computing Bessel functions
and are valid for general cylinder functions (any combination of first and second
kind Bessel functions) and for computing the zeros of the mixed derivatives.
Computes the zeros of
, where
Input parameters: [a,b] interval where the zeros are sought
tan(alpha), nu, gamma
Same as genBmic.f, but the input parameter tan(alpha) is substituted
by x0, where x0 is such that