Technical Session on

New Developments on Computer Algebra Packages, NDCAP'2006

Castro Urdiales, SPAIN, September 1-3 2006

Paper submission

This session calls for papers on any of the session topics, preferably by e-mail. An early email with your intention to submit a paper would be greatly appreciated. The papers should be sent to Andres Iglesias:

All submissions must be written in English. Acceptable formats are pdf and postscript (use extension .pdf or .ps, respectively). Please, check that you have included all the fonts required when generating the .pdf files, so that your paper can be read properly on any platform. Exceptionally (and only for your initial submission), we can accept papers written in Microsoft Word. However, keep in mind that the final version of your paper should be, in general, written in LaTeX (either LaTeX 2.09 or 2e) according to the rules of LNCS and should not exceed 12 pages.

In addition to submitting your paper, you can send (by e-mail to Andres Iglesias) a list of two or three possible referees for your paper, explaining why do you propose them. However, there is not guarantee that your paper will be reviewed by some of the proposed reviewers. This list is intended to assure that the review process is performed at due time. Therefore, it will be used only if we are unable to find other qualified reviewers for your paper.

After receiving your submission, the paper will be reviewed taking into account:

and acceptance/rejection will be based on this review. If a paper is rejected you will be contacted and given the referee reports. It may well be that your paper is more suited to be submitted to another workshop or conference.

The accepted full papers will be published by Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series and will be available for the delegates in printed/electronic form. In addition, they will be scheduled for oral presentation. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper.

Papers should be a maximum of 12 pages A4, formatted using the LNCS guidelines. The style files for the LNCS can be found at the following URL:

            Information for LNCS Authors

The initial submission of the paper for peer review must be a full paper (up to 12 pages), not an extended abstract. Your final paper (if accepted) must be formatted according to the rules of the LNCS, in order to be accepted and published. This point will be checked very carefully.