Euroconferences in Mathematics on Crete |
Algebraic and Geometric Combinatorics
August 20-26, 2005
Application Form
Conference: Algebraic and Geometric CombinatoricsName:
Date and place of birth:
Current position:
e-mail address:
Postal address:
Research field:
If you wish to give a talk, please give a tentative title.
Do you wish to apply for financial support?
For living expenses: YES / NO
For travel expenses: YES / NO (please give estimated cost of tickets in euros)
For refund of the registration fee: YES / NO
Please give the following information:
1. List which of the following degrees you hold, the University and the date awarded.
2. If you are a graduate student or hold a Ph.D. degree, please state when you were admitted in a Ph. D. program.
Give a short CV including information not stated above.