Seventh International Workshop on

Computer Algebra Systems and Their Applications, CASA'2009

Kyung-Hee University, Yongin, Korea, 29 June-2 July 2009

Paper submission

The paper submission is common for all ICCSA workshops (including CASA) and is completely performed online through the ICCSA 2009 Electronic Submission System (ESS).

In order to access the ESS you are kindly asked to register. This step will facilitate the submission of contributions, because you will no longer input your personal details when submitting an abstract. During the registration process, you will be asked to specify (twice) your password, chosen at will (unless it is already in use. If so, please, choose a new password). Your login will be your e-mail address. The login and password (that are confirmed in a few minutes by an acknowledge reply to the e-mail account you provided) will prompt you into the ESS, comprised of three major steps:

After your submission, the contact author will receive an acknowledgment of the submission via e-mail.

All submissions must be written in English. Accepted contributions will be published in the IEEE Computer Society proceedings.

The submitted paper must be camera-ready, between 5 and 11 pages long and formatted according to the rules of IEEE Computer Society. The templates and the author's instructions for IEEE Computer Society (please select the two column layout) are available at the URL:

The paper must present original and unpublished work, not submitted for publication elsewhere (copyright problems fall entirely under responsibility of the authors).  Each paper will be reviewed by experts in the relevant field, ensuring the acceptance only to top quality contributions.

After receiving your submission, the paper will be reviewed taking into account:

and acceptance/rejection will be based on this review. If a paper is rejected you will be contacted and given the referee reports. It may well be that your paper is more suited to be submitted to another workshop or conference.

When a paper is accepted at least one of the authors has to register to the conference and deliver the related talk. Failure to do so shall lead to rejection of the application to attend next year conference and the exclusion of the paper for the current year proceedings. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper.

Finally, note that the workshop chairs are only responsible for all the academic aspects of the papers (including the submission, reviewing and final selection, among others). For questions about registration, lodging, visa, flights, or any other question, please contact  ICCSA'2009 organizers.