Fifth International Workshop on

Computer Algebra Systems and Their Applications, CASA'2007

Beijing, China, May 27-30 2007


Please, find below the tentative schedule for the workshop. It will be organized in three sessions (labelled acccording to the ICCS'2007 general schedule) of 100 minutes each as follows:

Monday 28th 2007

W06a: Fifth International Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems and Applications
Mon, 28 May 2007
14:50 - 16:30

5 regular papers (20 min. each)

  1. Restricted Non-Cooperative Games
    Author(s): S.J. Chandler
    Presenter: S.J. Chandler, University of Houston, USA
  2. A New Application of CAS to LATEX Plottings
    Author(s): M. Sekiguchi, M. Kaneko, Y. Tadokoro, S. Yamashita, S. Takato
    Presenter: M. Sekiguchi, Kisarazu National College of Technology, JAPAN
  3. JMathNorm: A Database Normalization Tool using Mathematica
    Author(s): A. Yazici, Z. Karakaya
    Presenter: A. Yazici, TOBB Economics & Technology Univ., Head of Comp. Eng., Ankara, TURKEY
  4. Symbolic Manipulation of Bspline Basis Functions with Mathematica
    Author(s): A. Iglesias, R. Ipanaque, R.T. Urbina
    Presenter: A. Iglesias, University of Cantabria, SPAIN
  5. Rotating Capacitor and a Transient Electric Network
    Author(s): H.S. Sarafian, N.S. Sarafian
    Presenter: H.S. Sarafian, Pennsylvania State University, USA

16:30-16:50: COFFEE BREAK

W06b: Fifth International Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems and Applications
Mon, 28 May 2007
16:50 - 18:30

5 regular papers (20 min. each)

  1. Numerical-Symbolic Matlab Program for the Analysis of Three-Dimensional Chaotic
    Author(s): A. Galvez
    Presenter: A. Galvez, University of Cantabria, SPAIN
  2. Safety of Recreational Water Slides: Numerical Estimation of the Trajectory, Velocities and Accelerations of Motion of the Users
    Author(s): P. Szczepaniak, R. Walentynski
    Presenter: P. Szczepaniak, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, POLAND
  3. Computing Locus Equations for Standard Dynamic Geometry Environments
    Author(s): F. Botana, M.-A. Abanades, J. Escribano
    Presenter: F. Botana, Vigo University, SPAIN
  4. Symbolic Computation of Petri Nets
    Author(s): A. Iglesias, S. Kapcak
    Presenter: A. Iglesias, University of Cantabria, SPAIN
  5. Dynaput: Dynamic Input Manipulations for 2D Structures of Mathematical Expressions
    Author(s): H. Deguchi
    Presenter: H. Deguchi, Kobe University, JAPAN

18:30-20:00: DINNER


Tuesday 29th 2007
W06c: Fifth International Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems and Applications
Tue, 29 May 2007
10:00 - 12:00

1 regular paper (20 min.) + 3 short papers (10 min. each)

  1. On the Virtues of Generic Programming for Symbolic Computation
    Author(s): M. Moreno Maza, X. Li, E. Schost
    Presenter: X. Li, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, CANADA
10.20-10:50: SHORT PAPERS
  1. Semi-Analytical Approach for Analyzing Vibro-Impact Systems
    Author(s): A. Cepulkauskas, R. Kulvietiene, G. Kulvietis, J. Mikucioniene
    Presenter: A. Cepulkauskas, LITHUANIA
  2. Formal Verification of Analog and Mixed Signal Designs in Mathematica
    Author(s): M.H. Zaki, G. Al-Sammane, S. Tahar
    Presenter: M.H. Zaki, Concordia University, Montreal, CANADA
  3. Efficient Computations of Irredundant Triangular Decompositions with the RegularChains Library
    Author(s): M. Moreno-Maza, C. Chen, F. Lemaire, W. Pan, Y. Xie
    Presenter: M. Moreno-Maza, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, CANADA

