Aims & Scope:
This special issue will include a selection of the best papers of the
First International Workshop on Computer Algebra Systems and their Applications,
CASA'2003, held in Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation), June 2-4
2003. The workshop covers all aspects of original research results in
Computer Algebra Systems and their Applications.
The requirements for such an issue are papers of 10 to 15 pages each. Although mostly based on the CASA'2003 papers, the special issue is not necessarily confined to this workshop. In particular, we can also accept papers no previously sent to CASA'2003 provided that they contain valuable and original material on the topics of the field. Therefore, we also invite authors of other papers which also fit in with the theme of CASA'2003 to submit their work to the Special Issue.
Suitable papers should thus present original developments in computer algebra systems and demonstrate their potential for scientific applications.
Papers must be written in English and authors should follow the FGCS preparation guidelines.
Manuscripts should be of 10 to 15 pages and formatted according to FGCS
guidelines. See the Author Gateway section of the FGCS site for
further details on preparation of manuscripts. Note that there is a class
file for Latex2E users.
Electronic submission in PS or PDF format (only) via e-mail
attachment is acceptable. Submissions should be sent to the guest editor.
Mailing address:
Andrés Iglesias
Dpt. of Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences
University of Cantabria
E.T.S.I. de Caminos, Canales y Puertos
Avda. de los Castros, s/n
Santander, E-39005, SPAIN
Phone: 34-942-201723
Fax: 34-942-201703
Tentative deadlines: