








  • The effect of foreign-born residents on migratory patterns of natives in Spain

    Economics Bulletin, vol. 10, nº3, 2007, pp. 1-6

  • Regional productivity distribution in the EU: which are the influencing factors?

    (with Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde)

    European Planning Studies, vol. 17, nº 1, 2009, pp. 149-159

  • Structural shifts in the dynamics of the European income distribution

    (with Adolfo Maza)

    Economic Modelling, vol. 26, nº 3, 2009, pp. 733-739

  • Non-stationary transition matrices: an overlooked issue in intra-distribution dynamics

    (with Adolfo Maza)

    Economics Letters, vol. 103, nº 2, 2009, pp. 107-109

  • Modeling the dynamics of internal migration flows in Spain

    Papers in Regional Science, vol. 88, nº 3, 2009, pp. 683-692.

  • Per capita income convergence and internal migration in Spain: Are foreign-born migrants playing an important role?

    (with Adolfo Maza)

    Papers in Regional Science, vol. 89, nº 1, 2010, pp. 89-107.

  • Measurement of intra-distribution dynamics: An application of different approaches to the European regions.

    (with Adolfo Maza  and José Villaverde)

    Annals of Regional Science, vol. 45,  nº 2, 2010, pp. 313-329.

  • Foreign-born internal migrants: Are they playing a different role than natives on income convergence in Spain?

    (with Adolfo Maza)

    Applied Geography, vol. 30, nº4, 2010, pp. 618-628

  • Renewable electricity consumption in the EU-27: Are cross-country differences diminishing?

    (with Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde)

    Renewable Energy vol. 35, nº 9, 2010, pp. 2094-2101.

  • Renewable electricity in the EU: Are we meeting the targets?

    (with Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde)

    European Planning Studies, vol. 18, nº 9, 2010, pp. 1507-1517.

  • Explaining polarization in the Eu-27's international migration distribution (with Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde) Journal of Economic and Social Geography, vol. 103, nº 4, 2012, pp. 396-411.

  • Income distribution dynamics across the European regions: Re-examining the role of space

    (with Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde)

    Economic Modelling,  vol. 29, nº 6, 2012, pp. 2632-2640.

  • A proposal for detecting spatial contagion: Some evidence on the international migration distribution in Spain

    (with Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde)

    Papers in Regional Science, vol. 92, nº 4, 2013, pp. 811-829.

  • Explaining the settlement patterns of foreigners in Spain (with Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde)

    Applied Geography vol. 40, 2013, pp. 11-20.

  • Health care expenditure disparities in the European Union and underlying factors: A distribution dynamics approach (with José Villaverde and Adolfo Maza)

    International Journal of Health Care and Finance Economics vol. 14, nº 3, 2014, pp. 251-268.

  • Examining regional disparities in the EU-15: A convergence approach (with José Villaverde, Adolfo Maza, Paula Gutiérrez-Portilla and María Gutiérrez-Portilla) Investigación Económica vol. 73, 2014, pp. 35-58.

  • La curva de Beveridge para España: nueva evidencia para el periodo 2000-2011 (with José Villaverde and Adolfo Maza) Cuadernos de Economía vol.34, nº64, 2015, pp. 199-228.

  • Non-CO2 Generating energy shares in the world: Cross-country differences and polarization (with Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde). Environmental and Resource Economics vol. 61, nº 3, 2015, pp. 319-343

  • From discrete to continuous-time transition matrices in intra-distribution dynamics analysis: An application to per capita health in Europe (with Adolfo Maza)

    Bulletin of Economic Research vol 67, nº 3, 2015, pp. 227-235

  • Latin American Migration to Spain: Main reasons and future perspectives

    International Migration vol. 54, nº1, 2016, pp. 64-83.

  • Shocks and spatial regime fades in Spain's international migration distibution (with JC. Duque) in International Migration vol. 54, nº6, 2016, pp. 26-42.

  • Foreigners vs. natives in Spain: Different migration patterns? Any changes in the aftermath of the crisis? (with María Gutiérrez-Portilla and Adolfo Maza) in Annals of Regional Science vol. 61, nº 1, 2018, pp. 139-159.

  • Internal migration in Spain: Dealing with multilateral resistance and nonlinearities (with Adolfo Maza, María Gutiérrez-Portilla and José Villaverde) in International Migration vol. 57, nº 1, 2019, pp. 75-93.

  • Internal migration dynamics in Spain: Winners and losers from the recent economic recession

    (with Adolfo Maza and Jose Villaverde) in Population, Space and Place vol. 25, nº 2, 2019.

  • The 2017 regional election in Catalonia: An attempt to understand the pro-independence vote (with Adolfo Maza and Jose Villaverde) in Economia Politica vol. 36, nº 1, 2019, pp. 1-18.

  • A spatial approach to the impact of immigration on wages: Evidence from Spain (with María Gutiérrez-Portilla, José Villaverde and Adolfo Maza) in Regional Studies vol. 54, nº 4, 2020, pp. 505-514.

  •   Looking beyond the influence of origin and destination factors: The role of spillovers in migration form Spain to Europe (with María Gutierrez-Portilla and Adolfo Maza). Journal of Economics/Ekonomicky Casopis, vol. 68. nº 6, 2020.

  • Asylum burden-sharing within the EU revisited: Are we moving on the right track? (with Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde) in Journal of Economic Policy Reform (in press)

  • Modelling changing patterns in the COVID-19 geographical distribution: Madrid’s case (with Adolfo Maza) in Geographical Research, vol. 60. nº 2, 2022, pp. 218-231.

  • Attempting to measure the intensity of opposing feelings in elections: A polarization approach to Catalonia's independence case (with Adolfo Maza) in Economia Politica. Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, vol. 39, nº 2, 2022, pp. 323-344.

  • Spatial contagion during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: Some lessons from the case of Madrid, Spain (with Adolfo Maza). Regional Science Policy & Practice (in press)

  • Gauging the responsibility assumed by national governments in receiving asylum seekers: An overlooked cornerstone of the EU asylum policy (with Adolfo Maza) in Migration Letters, vol. 19, nº 2, 2022.

  • A capacity-based approach for assessing changes in responsibility-sharing in the EU: Comparing the Syrian and Ukranian crises (with Adolfo Maza) in JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies vol. 62, nº. 6, 2024, pp. 1734-1746.


  • How social networks shape refugee movements in wartime: Evidence from the Russian attack on Ukraine (with Adolfo Maza) in International Migration Review (forthcoming).

  • Measuring regional competitiveness: New insights based on the RCI

    (con/with Adolfo Maza)

    Review of Regional Studies, vol. 54, nº. 1, 2024, pp. 53-76

  • Toward the identification of laggard rural areas: An evolutionary resilience approach (con/with Adolfo Maza) Scottish Geographical Journal (forthcoming)

  • Temporary protection, refugee fatigue and political discontent in EU cities of refuge (con/with Adolfo Maza) European Urban and Regional Studies, vol. 32, nº 1, 2025, 10-14

  • Delving into the FDI-economic growth relationship at the regional level: Headquarters effect in FDI data (con/with Adolfo Maza International Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 97, 2025, 103829








  • Un análisis de la dinámica de los movimientos migratorios en España (1986-2001): Una explotación del método MCC

    (with M. Guijarro)

    Investigaciones Regionales, nº 6, 2005, pp.125-140

  • Movilidad y dispersión espacial en las regiones españolas, 1986-2003

    Investigaciones Regionales, nº 8, 2006, 163-170

  • Un estudio mediante cadenas de Markov de la dinámica de los movimientos migratorios interregionales en España (1990-2003) desde un planteamiento de estimación dinámico

    (with M. Guijarro)

    Revista Asturiana de Economía, nº 35, 2006, pp. 145-161

  • Un estudio comparado de la dispersión migratoria en España a nivel regional, provincial, por tipos de municipios y grupos de edad (1986-2003)

    Ager, nº 5, 2006, pp. 7-34

  • Una revisión de la aplicación de las cadenas de Markov discretas al estudio de la movilidad geográfica

    (with M. Guijarro)

    Estadística Española, nº166, 2007, pp. 473-499

  • Un análisis global y desagregado de la dispersión espacial de las migraciones interiores en España (1986-2003)

    (with M. Guijarro)

    Cuadernos Aragoneses de Economía, 17 (1), 2007, pp.163-180

  • Measurement of intra-distribution dynamics: An application of different approaches to the European regions

    (with Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde)

    FUNCAS Working Paper, nº 376, 2008, pp. 1-43

  • Migración interna de extranjeros y ¿nueva fase en la convergencia?

    (with Adolfo Maza)

    FUNCAS Working Paper, nº 377, 2008, pp. 1-39

  • Gasto sanitario en la Unión Europea. ¿Existen signos de convergencia?

    (with José Villaverde and Adolfo Maza)

    Cuadernos de Información Económica nº 233, 2013, pp. 73-81

  •  Should cohesion policy focus on fostering R&D? Evidence from Spain                                                                                        (with Adolfo Maza y José Villaverde)                      Investigaciones Regionales nº 29, 2014, pp. 139-164.

  • The effects of interpersonal fiscal redistribution on provincial growth and convergence in Spain

    (with José Villaverde and Adolfo Maza)

    Hacienda Pública Española/Review of Public Economics (Indexed in ISI web of knowledge), nº 209, 2014, pp. 151-170

  • Foreign-direct investment in the Spanish regions: Which are the influencing factors (with Paula Gutierrez Portilla, Adolfo Maza y José Villaverde)      Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research nº 35, 2016, pp. 67-82.

  • The Great Reset. 2021 European Public Investment Outlook. Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research 54, 2022.





  • La dinámica temporal y espacial del sistema migratorio español mediante matrices causativas constantes (1986-2001). XXIX Reunión de Estudios Regionales. November, 2003 (Santander, Spain)

  • Una modelización estocástica para la dinámica de la movilidad territorial en España (1990-2005) (with M. Guijarro). XVIII Reunión ASEPELT-ESPAÑA. June, 2004 (León, Spain)

  • De un patrón migratorio polarizado hacia otro disperso en España. El índice de Shryock corregido (1962-3003) (with Rafael Domínguez). XXX Reunión de Estudios Regionales. November, 2004 (Barcelona, Spain)

  • Algunas medidas de dispersión espacial aplicadas al estudio de los flujos migratorios regionales en España (1986-2002) (with M. Guijarro). XXX Reunión de Estudios Regionales. November, 2004 (Barcelona, Spain)

  • Movilidad y dispersión espacial en las regiones españolas, 1986-2003. XXXI Reunión de Estudios Regionales. November, 2005 (Madrid, Spain)

  • La inmigración extranjera, ¿una nueva fase en la convergencia regional en España? II Foro Internacional de Economía Regional. May, 2006 (La Rioja, Spain)

  • La inmigración extranjera, ¿una nueva fase en las migraciones interiores y en la convergencia regional. XXXII Reunión de Estudios Regionales. November, 2006 (Ourense, Spain)

  • Un estudio comparativo de la movilidad interna de la población extranjera y española, 2003-2004. XXXII Reunión de Estudios Regionales. November, 2006 (Ourense, Spain)

  • La inmigración extranjera y la convergencia regional en España (with M. Guijarro). Ciclo de Conferencias Cátedra Cantabria 2006. Parlamento de Cantabria, 19 de Octubre

  • Migraciones interiores de extranjeros y convergencia regional, ¿alguna relación?. X Encuentro de Economía Aplicada. June, 2007 (Logroño, Spain)

  • Inmigración extranjera y convergencia provincial en España: el papel de las migraciones interiores de extranjeros (with Adolfo Maza). X Jornadas de Economía Internacional. June, 2007 (Madrid, Spain)

  • Internal migration of the foreign-born in Spain: A new phase of regional GDP per capita convergence? 47th Congress of the European Regional Science Association. August-Septiembre, 2007 (Paris, France)

  • Migración interna de extranjeros. ¿Nueva fase en la convergencia? (with Adolfo Maza). XXXIII Reunión de Estudios Regionales. November, 2007 (León, Spain)

  • Changes in intra-distribution dynamics in the European regions (with Adolfo Maza). 48th Congress of the European Regional Science Association.  August, 2008 (Liverpool, UK)

  • Measurement of intra-distribution dynamics: Different approaches (with Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde). XXXIV Reunión de Estudios Regionales. November, 2008 (Jaén, Spain)

  • The role of space in explaining income distribution dynamics between EU regions (with Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde). 7º Workshop APRD "The future of the cohesion policy", XXXVI Reunión de Estudios Regionales,  November 2010 (Badajoz-Elbas, Spain and Portugal).

  • Exploring spatial contagion in Spain's international migration distribution. 51st European Congress of the Regional Science Association International. Barcelona, 2011.

  • Regional international migration distribution in Spain: Which factors are behind? (with José Villaverde and Adolfo Maza). 51st European Congress of the Regional Science Association International. Barcelona, 2011.

  • Adaptación al EEES: Experiencias desde la asignatura Macroeconomía IV: Economía Internacional (with Adolfo Maza). XV Reunión de Economía Mundial, Santander (España), June 2013.

  • Exploring the link between R&D and economic growth: Evidence from the Spanish regions (with Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde). XXXIX International Conference on Regional Science,  November 2013 (Oviedo).

  • Internal migration dynamics in Spain before and after the 2008 economic downturn: continuities and changess (with Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde). LX International Conference on Regional Science,  November 2014 (Zaragoza).

  • Un ejemplo de aplicación práctica para la enseñanza de macroeconomía Intermedia: demanda agregada-oferta agregada (with Adolfo Maza, María Gutiérrez-Portilla and Paula Gutiérrez-Portilla). XVIII Reunión de Economía Mundial, Madrid, June 1-3, 2016

  • Evolución de resultados de la asignatura “Macroeconomía II” en el marco del EEES (with Adolfo Maza, María Gutiérrez-Portilla, Paula Gutiérrez-Portilla). XVIII Reunión de Economía Mundial, Madrid, June 1-3, 2016

  • A spatial approach of the impact of immigration on wages: evidence from Spain (with Adolfo Maza and María Gutiérrez-Portilla). XVIII Reunión de Economía Mundial, Madrid, June 1-3, 2016

  • The effect of inmigration on wages: A spatial pannel approach for the Spanish provinces (with María Gutiérrez-Portilla and Adolfo Maza). 56th European Regional Science Association Congress, Vienna, Austria, August 23-26, 2016

  • A spatial approach to the impact of immigration on wages: Evidence from Spain  (with María Gutiérrez-Portilla, Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde). NECTAR cluster meeting: Travel, Migration, Housing and Labour market, Toledo (Spain), October 6-7, 2016.

  • A spatial approach to the impact of immigration on wages: Evidence from Spain  (with María Gutiérrez-Portilla, Adolfo Maza and José Villaverde). 4nd Wim Meussen Workshop, Lille (France), October 27, 2016

  • Outflows of foreign population from Spain: Which factors are behind?  (with María Gutiérrez-Portilla and Adolfo Maza). 42nd AECR Congress, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), November 16-18, 2016.

  • What drives migration outflows of foreign population from Spain? Evidence from the Great Recession (with María Gutierrez-Portilla and Adolfo Maza). 57th European Regional Science Association Congress, Groningen (The Netherlands). 29 August-1 September, 2017.

  • What drives migration outflows of foreign population from Spain?: Evidence from the great recession (con/with María Gutiérrez-Portilla and Adolfo Maza). 43st AECR Congress, Sevilla (Spain), November 15-17, 2017.

  • Adaptación de la asignatura "Macroeconomía Intermedia" al EEES: Un enfoque comparado (con/with Paula Gutiérrez-Portilla, María Gutiérrez-Portilla and Adolfo Maza). XV Foro Internacional sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación Superior y la Investigación (FECIES), Cantabria (Spain), May 10-12, 2018.

  • Un ejemplo de innovación docente en "Macroeconomía II": Estudio del equilibrio del consumidor con MATLAB (con/with María Gutiérrez-Portilla, Paula Gutiérrez-Portilla and Adolfo Maza). XV Foro Internacional sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Educación Superior y la Investigación (FECIES), Cantabria (Spain), May 10-12, 2018.

  • Immigration and voting behaviour: Evidence from Andalusian 2018 elections (con/with Adolfo Maza). I Internationl online Conference on Regional Science, November 26-27, 2020.

  • Spatial Contagion during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Some Lessons from the Case of Madrid, Spain (con/with Adolfo Maza). Regional Science Policy & Practice Workshop, Ponta Delgada, Azores (Portugal), November 1-2, 2021.

  • Unravelling rural resilience to face depopulation: the case of Cantabria (Spain) (con/with Adolfo Maza). SETTLE International Congress "Population Imbalances in Europe", Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), 27-28th April 2022.

  • New insights for measuring regional competitiveness: A preliminary approach (con/with Adolfo Maza). 47th AECR Congress, Granada (Spain) October 19-22, 2022.

  • Forced migration and social networks (con/with Adolfo Maza). XXIII Reunión de Economía Mundial, Santander (Spain). June, 25-26, 2023.

  • The issue of misidentifying laggard rural areas and its implications in place-based tax policies: The case of Cantabria (Spain)” Research seminar at the Scottish Rural Policy Centre, University of Edinburgh. 15h October, 2024.

  •  “Depopulation, rural resilience and place-based tax policies in Cantabria (Spain)” RPC Policy Insights Seminar for representatives of rural stakeholder organisations from the Scottish Government’s rural, island and populaton/migration policy teams, 14th November, 2024.







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