.. title: Small BIO .. slug: index .. date: 2014/05/09 10:08:35 .. tags: .. link: .. description: My personal page version 1, welcome page .. type: text .. class :hero-unit span 3 .. admonition:: Lecturer. `Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science `_. .. image:: /recorte.jpg :height: 300px :width: 300 px :scale: 50 % :alt: alternate text :align: left :Phone: (+34) 942201532 :Address: Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Sciences. Avda. de los Castros,s/n. Santander. 39005. Spain `University of Cantabria `_. |EmailLink|_ |TwitterLink|_ |LinkedinLink|_ |ResearchGateLink|_ .. |EmailLink| image:: /Media_buttons/mail.png .. _EmailLink: mailTo:domingo.gomez@unican.es .. |TwitterLink| image:: /Media_buttons/twitter.png .. _TwitterLink: http://twitter.com/GomezDominus .. |LinkedinLink| image:: /Media_buttons/linkedin.png .. _LinkedinLink: http://es.linkedin.com/pub/domingo-gomez/64/20a/7a3/ .. |ResearchGateLink| image:: /Media_buttons/RG.gif .. _ResearchGateLink: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Domingo_Gomez-Perez?ev=hdr_xprf ============= Profile ============= My name is Domingo Gómez Pérez and I am a Lecturer in the University of Cantabria. Previously, I worked in `Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics `_ under the supervision of `Univ.-Doz. Dr. Arne Winterhof `_. ------------------ Research Interest ------------------ My main research interests include (I also include some links to some interesting blogs): 1. **Cryptography**: This is the main topic of my thesis and I'm trying to keep updated reading `Daniel J. Bernstein's blog `_ and `Steven Galbraith's blog `_. 2. **Monte-Carlo and quasiMonte-Carlo Methods**: During my stay in Linz, I learn a few things about this. I find quite interesting `Josef Dick's blog `_. 3. **Data Mining**: Something which I started really recently and I haven't found something that I follow regularly. In this case, I mention the webpages of `J. L. Balcazar `_ and `Cristina Tirnauca `_, two friends and colleages. ------------------ Teaching ------------------ My teaching duties this year include (the order was selected after a day of hard work working in this webpage): - Introducción a los Sistemas Inteligentes - Lenguajes de Programación - Lenguajes Formales - Módelos de Cálculo - Interacción Persona-Ordenador