Welcome to my web site.

I am Marcos Fernández Gutiérrez, Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Cantabria (Spain). It is a job that I love in a place where I love to live.

My teaching and research work is focused on topics related to applied economics, economic policy and public policies, as part of the Research Group on International Political Economy (ECONPOINT) at the University of Cantabria. My current research lines address the evaluation of public services in the EU, innovation in the public sector and the analysis of education from an economic perspective.

At present, I coordinate the Master in Economics: Instruments of Economic Analysis at the University of Cantabria, and I lead the Jean Monnet Module in Economic and Financial System and Regional Development EUFIREG (funded by the EU).

I write about Economics in Eldiario.es Cantabria.



Associate Professor

Department of Economics, University of Cantabria




UniversiTY OF cantabria