(Distributed Safety Display Parameter
for Garoña Nuclear Power Plant)
The safety criteria of nuclear power
plants include the support of a Safety Parameters Display System (SPDS) during
the normal and abnormal operation. The purpose of this system is to provide a
reliable and continuous indication of the plant parameters and of the variables
representative of its safety status, in order to enable the following of the
Emergency Operation Procedure.
Basically the information
showed was derived from the operation procedures. The appropiate transformation
process was applied to the signals obtained from the data acquisition
The SPDS of the Nuclear Power Plant of Santa María de
Garoña is based on signals provided by the data acquisition system. As an order
of magnitude, the number of signals at source is 600 analogue and 900 digital
signals, which, applying equivalence logic, are transformed into nearly 1200
parameters and variables to be represented.
The design of
different screens include resource such as: analogue and/or digital
representation, buttons, icons, windows, colors, diagrams, etc.
The navigation strategy between displays is intuitive and logical for
the user. This interaction between screens is carried out by means of the use of
the keyboard and the mouse.
The SPDS developed has an important
differentiating characteristic which is its accessibility from any point in the
company's local network, as well as from the control room. This capacity of
distribution and visualization in different platforms has been caried out
following the Client/Server model and making use of the facilities of the
X-windows system.
Another novel aspect of the SPDS consists in the
possibility of changing the source of information and using simulated values
from the simulator previously developed by our group. This characteristic is of
great importance for the training and learning of the operators in the use of
the system itself, in the following of the EOP's and in the operation of the
emergency drills periodically performed in the plant, which involve all the
members of the organizations of the company and the official organisms of
Similarly, it is possible to visualize the real values
registered from a certain instant, which is of great use in the analysis of
events occurred, and in the training of operators. Thus, the system manages a
data base created for this end. The availability of the above also enables
statistical information on the parameters to be obtained. An auxiliary
application was developed to validate the displays and the full system.
The application is divided into three modules. The
mission of the first of them, called spdsd, is to act as an application server
module. The purpose of the second, named spds.exe, is to operate as a client
module. Finally, the plotterd module is dedicated to handling the printing of
Tha main function of the spdsd, the system server
module, is to read permanently the information provided by the plant's data
acquisition system. It is also dedicated to the transformation of the signals
received according to the logic previously established. Hence, in every time
interval, it deals with transferring these results to the shared memory. This
module is developed in C and the UNIX curses library has been used for its
interface in order to enable its portability to any terminal.
main functions of the spds.exe, the client module, are: to read the data from
the shared memory and show them by means of the screens designed for this
purpose. This is basically a program developed with the DV-tools library of DataViews.
The plotterd
module, dedicated to the handling of the printing of the variable evolution
graphics, is a server module (daemon) which has been developed with the RPC
(Remote Procedure Call) utility.
to Pedro Corcuera:(
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