/* A test driver for the Circle class (TestCircle.cpp) */ #include #include "Circle.h" // using Circle class using namespace std; int main() { // Construct an instance of Circle c1 Circle c1(1.2, "red"); cout << "Radius=" << c1.getRadius() << " Area=" << c1.getArea() << " Color=" << c1.getColor() << endl; c1.setRadius(2.1); // Change radius and color of c1 c1.setColor("blue"); cout << "Radius=" << c1.getRadius() << " Area=" << c1.getArea() << " Color=" << c1.getColor() << endl; // Construct another instance using the default constructor Circle c2; cout << "Radius=" << c2.getRadius() << " Area=" << c2.getArea() << " Color=" << c2.getColor() << endl; return 0; }