Introduction to Shells

What are Shells?

A shell is the interface between OS and you, the user. The shell interprets the text you type, and the keys you press, in order to direct the operating system to take an appropriate action. A shell can also serve as a programming language.

Bourne Shell

Bourne Shell is the oldest shell. It was written by Stephen Bourne at Bell Laboratories. The Bourne Shell has been the default shell for Ubuntu, and has been a de facto standard in the industry. The Bourne Shell has neither the interactive features, nor the complex programming constructs, of the C and Korn shells.

C Shell

C Shell is a shell developed by Bill Joy at the University of California at Berkeley. The C Shell syntax resembles that of the C programming language, It has powerful interactive features like command history and file name completion.

Korn Shell

Korn Shell is a newer shell developed by David Korn at Bell Laboratories, and is upwardly compatible with most Bourne shell features. It has interactive features like C Shell, but executes faster and has extended in-line command editing capability.

Introduction to Shells

Determining Your Login Shell

You can display the file name of the shell you entered when you logged in by typing:

$ echo $SHELL

The echo command displays the contents or value of a variable named SHELL. The command to list the environmental variables is


The Bourne Shell

The Bourne Shell is a “command interpreter”; it takes your commands and interprets them to the system.

For example, if you have to execute a series of commands every day, you may get tired of typing the commands each time. By programming the shell, you can create a shell script, a file containing all of the commands that need to be executed each day. To execute the commands, you only need execute the shell script.

UNIX System Structure

The structure of the system consists of several parts which work together to bring you the operating system. Everything in UNIX is either a file or a process.

The kernel is the core of the operating system. It controls the computer's resources and allots time to different users and tasks. The kernel keeps track of the programs being run and is in charge of starting each user on the system.

However, the kernel does not interact with the user to interpret the commands. The shell is a program that the kernel runs for each user which sets up commands for execution. By having several shells and one kernel, the OS is able to support many users at the same time (the user's requests are not actually processed at the same time, but the kernel schedules processing time in a way which simulates concurrent processing). By having the kernel in control, it is also possible for one user to run several shells. The kernel remains in control of all shells and programs.

When you log on to the system, the kernel checks if your login identifer and password are correct. It then runs a shell program for you to interact with it (you never see this, only the shell after successful login). Most systems will start the POSIX Shell (/bin/posix/sh) as a default, but it is possible to run the Bourne Shell (/bin/sh), the C Shell (/bin/csh), or the Korn Shell (/bin/ksh). instead.

To give you an idea of processes and how the kernel schedules them, let's look at the ps command which lists the processes the kernel is currently coordinating. Type:

ps -ef

The UID column refers to the user identifer (the person who executed this process). PID refers to the process identifer. There are several commands which use the PID, such as kill. For example,

kill -9 4465

will kill (terminate) process 4465.

Shell Commands

A command could include options and parameters to the command. Options to a command can be found with the man command under the description of the command. These options are usually preceded by a dash (-) and are separated from the command name, other options, and parameters by blanks. Parameters, or variables, are data the command needs to function properly. If you omit parameters from the ls command, the current directory is listed. But if you include a directory name (or path name) as a parameter, a listing of that directory is printed. Command syntax usually takes the following form:

command [ options ] [ parameters ]

Sequential Processing

When you enter commands line by line (pressing [Return] after each command), you are telling the system to complete the command (or program) before executing the next command. Executing:

 ps -ef 

will complete each command before going on to the next. You can place all of the commands on the same line by using the “;” separator. For example,

date; ps -ef; who

is equivalent to entering each command on a separate line. This process is called sequential processing. New programs or commands cannot be started until the preceding program or command has completed.

If parameters are required by the program, they are entered as usual. The semicolon is placed after the last parameter. While a program is running as a sequential process, there is no response to keyboard activity until after the program has completed (other than the keyboard buffer delay).

Programs already in progress when a program with sequential processing is executed continue to run as usual. While a program is running as a sequential process, you have the option of waiting for the program to finish.

Nonsequential (Background) Processing

Programs can also be run nonsequentially , in which case, each program runs without waiting for the previous program to complete. This type of execution is more commonly called “running in the background” Follow the program name with & to specify background processing.

program1 & program2 & program3 &

This example runs program1, program2, and program3, in the background, and returns a prompt to the user immediately. Note that programs that write to the terminal or require input are poor choices for background execution, since the output will be intermixed on the screen, or the input may not be read by the correct program.

Redirecting Input and Output

Every program has at least three data paths associated with it: standard input, standard output, and standard error output. Programs use these data paths to interact with you. By default, standard input (stdin) is your keyboard. The default destination for both standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) is your screen.

Redirecting input and output is a convenient way of selecting what files or devices a program uses. The output of a program that is normally displayed on the screen can be sent to a printer or to a file. Redirection does not affect the functioning of the program because the destination of output from the program is changed at the system level. The program is unaware of the change.

I/O redirection enables you to change a specific data path of a program while leaving its other data paths unchanged. For example, stdout can be stored in a file instead of written to your screen.

How to Redirect Input and Output

I/O redirection symbols are entered on the shell command line, or from a shell program. The program begins executing with the data paths specified by the redirection symbols. To specify I/O redirection for a program, each file name is preceded by a redirection symbol, as in:

programA < file name
programB > file name

Spaces between the redirection symbols and the file names are optional. The symbol identifies the name that follows it as a file for input or output. The redirection symbols are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Redirection Symbols

<Read standard input from an existing fileprogram1 <
>Write standard output to a fileprogram2 >
>>Append standard output to an existing fileprogram2 >>

Note: Using > destroys any previous contents of the file specified to receive the output. If a file's contents must be preserved, use >>.

Note: Be careful not to use the same file for standard input and standard output. When input and output operations access the same file, the results are unpredictable.

If a file you specify with a redirection symbol is not in the current directory, you should use a path name to identify it. The following actions are taken when the system does not locate files named with the redirection symbols:

  • If a file specified for input with the < symbol is not located, an error message is displayed.

  • If a file specified for output with the > or >> symbol is not located, it is created and used for program output.


The following examples show how the data paths of programs, commands, or utilities can be modified with the redirection symbols.

CHItest < data1

Runs the program CHItest using the file data1 as input. date >> syslog

Adds the current time and date to the end of the file syslog.


Two or more programs or commands can be connected so the output of one program is used as the input of another program. The data path that joins the programs is called a pipe. Pipes allow you to redirect program input and output without the use of temporary files.

When programs are connected with pipes, the shell coordinates the input and output between the programs. The pipes only transfer data in one direction, from the standard output of one program to the standard input of another program.

How to Connect Programs With Pipes

The vertical bar (|) is the “pipe” symbol. Parameters for the program are listed after the program name, but before the | symbol. Spacing between the program names and vertical bars is optional. The syntax used for connecting programs with pipes is as follows:

program a | program b | program c

Here are some examples.

To print the number of files in the current directory, type:

ls | wc

To print a listing of each file in the directory, and paginate it for convenient screen viewing, type:

ls | more

To send the contents of file to pr, which formats the data and then passes it to lp for printing on the line printer, type:

cat file | pr | lp

Redirection in Pipes

The redirection symbols can be used for programs connected with pipes. However, only the data paths not connected with pipes can be changed. If you specify a change to a data path being used with a pipe, then an error occurs.

The following changes are permitted:

  • The standard input of the first program using a pipe can be redirected with the < symbol.

  • The standard output of the last program using a pipe can be redirected by using the > symbol or appended to an existing file with the >> symbol.


The following commands show how programs can be connected with pipes and how additional changes can be made to data paths with redirection symbols.

The first example takes the standard output from test_prog1 and uses it as standard input to /usr/output_prog.

test_prog1 | /usr/output_prog

The next example runs four programs connected with pipes and puts the output of the fourth program in store_file.

get_it | check_it | process_it | format_it > store_file

Pipe Example

The following pipe uses several of the symbols we just discussed. Try to figure out what will happen before you read the description below.

sort pdir; (( pr pdir | lpr )& (sort local)& ); cat local >>pdir

This pipeline will run three sets of commands sequentially. The first command is to sort the pdir file. When it is completed, the second command set is executed. The parentheses separate the commands so the shell knows which command to associate with a symbol. Therefore, the two commands (pr and sort) are run nonsequentially. So, at the same time, the pdir file is formatted and sent to the printer, and the local file is sorted. Finally, the cat command is run which appends the local file to the pdir file.

File Name Generation

A helpful way to reduce typing is to use patterns to match file names. If you are in a directory with a file "programming" you can see a listing with either:

ls programming

or you can use a pattern to match:

ls p*

where "*" will match any character or string of characters. If you have another file beginning with "p", it too will be listed. Table 2 shows the file generation symbols you can use:

Table 2. File Generation Symbols

*Matches any string of characters including the null string
?Matches any single character
[...]Matches any of the characters enclosed in the brackets. A pair of characters separated by a minus will match any character between the pair (lexically)


will match a file which begins with any character a through z (lower case), followed by any single character, followed by the string "cubit", followed by any number of characters, and which ends in ".c" or ".a".

Commands example

# A few simple commands
cal 2022
cal feb 1992
# List CPU
# uptime command to check how long your system has been running
# reboot command to restart your system
# print the name of your current working directory
# ls command to list the contents of your current working directory
# passwd change your password
# display your system's hostname
# display the amount of free and used memory on your system
free -h
free --human
# display the amount of disk space available on your system
df -h
# print a line of text on your Terminal
echo Cats are better than Dogs!

# display all the commands that we ran so far in chronological order

# You can scroll up and down on your command line history
# up arrow key
# down arrow key

# display your system's kernel information
# print the current kernel version information
uname -v
# print the current kernel release information
uname -r
# print all the information of your current kernel at once
uname -a
# display the Ubuntu version you are currently running
lsb_release -a
# terminates your current Terminal session

# Print Working Directory
# command to view the contents of the current directory
ls -l

# command to read more about the Linux filesystem
man hier
# to the /home directory
cd /home
# root user is a superuser
cd root

# In Linux, the forward slash (/) is the directory separator
# An absolute path of a file is simply the full path of that file and, it
# ALWAYS begins with a leading forward slash
# a relative path of a file never starts with the root
# directory and is always relative to the current working directory

# special directories under every directory in the filesystem:
# 1. Current working directory represented by one dot (.)
# 2. Parent directory represented by two dots (..)
cd /
cd ~

# use the -a option with the ls command to view hidden files
ls -al
ls -l

# any filename that starts with . (a dot) is hidden
# argument, also called a command-line argument, is simply any
# filename or data that is provided to a command as an input

# to change the modification time of a file or create new empty files
touch filename

# create directories
# create multiple directories
mkdir Music Movies Books
# -p option to create a whole path of directories
mkdir -p dir1/dir2/dir3
# -R option to do a recursive listing
ls -R dir1
# create a new directory with multiple subdirectories by including them inside a
# pair of curly brackets and each subdirectory separated by a comma
mkdir -p dir4/{dir5,dir6,dir7}
ls -R dir4
# listing of the files sorted by modification times (oldest first)
ls -latr

# Tab Completion: let the shell automatically complete (suggest) command names
# and file paths.

# Graphical editor – gedit
gedit /proc/cpuinfo
# The vi editor
# vi editor works in two different modes:
# 1. insert mode
# 2. command mode

# File viewing commands
# cat (short for concatenate) command concatenates and prints files to the standard output
cat cats.txt
cat file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt

# tac is basically cat written in reverse, 
# it does the same thing as the cat command but in a reversed fashion
tac facts.txt

# more command displays the content of a file one page at a time
more /etc/services

# less command is an improved version of the more command
# you can use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to navigate through the file.
less /etc/services

# head shows the first ten lines of a file
less /etc/services

# tail command displays the last few lines of a file
tail -n 2 facts.txt

# Copying one file
# cp command to make a copy of a file. Syntax: cp source_file(s) destination
cp cats.txt copycats.txt
cp cats.txt /tmp
cp cats.txt /tmp/cats2.txt

# Copying multiple files
touch apple.txt banana.txt carrot.txt
cp apple.txt banana.txt carrot.txt /tmp

# Copying one directory
mkdir cities
cd cities/
touch paris tokyo london
cd ..
cp -r cities /tmp

# Copying multiple directories
mkdir d1 d2 d3
cp -r d1 d2 d3 /tmp
cd /tmp

# Moving one file
# 1. If the destination directory exists, the mv command will move the source file(s) to
# the destination directory.
# 2. If the destination directory doesn’t exist, the mv command will rename the source file.
mv copycats.txt /tmp

# Moving multiple files
mv apple.txt banana.txt carrot.txt /home/elliot/d1

# Moving one directory
mv d3 d2
cd d2

# Moving multiple directories
mkdir big
mv d1 d2 cities big

# Renaming files
mv cats.txt dogs.txt
cat dogs.txt
mv big small

# Hiding files You can hide any file by renaming it to a name that starts with a dot.
mv dogs.txt .dogs.txt

# Removing files
rm dogs.txt
rm apple.txt banana.txt carrot.txt

# Removing directories
mkdir garbage
rm -r garbage
# rmdir command to remove only empty directories
rmdir garbage2

# The four categories of linux commands
# 1. An executable program: Which is usually written in the C programming
# language. The cp command is an example of an executable command.
# 2. An alias: Which is basically another name for a command 
# 3. A shell builtin: The shell supports internal commands as well. 
# Determining a command's type
type pwd
type ls

# Finding a command's location
# which to determine the location of an executable command
which rm

# whatis command to get a brief description of what a command does
whatis df

# man page is a manual page that has proper documentation to help you 
# understand how to use a command
man touch
# shell builtin commands do not have man pages. Use help command
help cd
# info pages as an alternative documentation to the man pages
info man
# apropos command helps you in searching for the right command to use to
# achieve a specific task.
apropos rename
# man -k command will display the same result as the apropos command
# The /usr/share/doc directory
cd /usr/share/doc/nano

# Hard versus Soft Links

# Displaying file inode number
# inode is simply a file data structure that stores file information
# (attributes), and every inode is uniquely identified by a number (inode
# number)
# to view the inode number of a file:
# 1. ls -i file
# 2. stat file
ls -i facts.txt
stat facts.txt
# A soft link (symbolic link) is simply a file that points to another file
# To create a soft link, we use the ln command with the -s option
# ln -s original_file soft_link
ln -s facts.txt soft.txt
# Creating hard links
# A hard link is simply an additional name for an existing file
# ln original_file hard_link

# root is a Linux user that has permission to do anything on the system
# root is also known as the superuser
sudo -i

# passwd to change password

# File permissions: every file is assigned access permissions for three 
# different entities:
# The user owner of the file
# The group owner of the file
# Everyone else (also referred to as others/world)
# Each file has three types of access permissions:
# Read
# Write
# Execute
# Changing file permissions
echo '#!/bin/bash' >>
echo date >>

# Directory permissions
# Standard input (stdin)
# Standard output (stdout)
# Standard error (stderr)
date > mydate.txt
echo "Saturn is a planet." > planets.txt
echo "Mars is a planet." >> planets.txt

cat blabla 2> error.txt

# diff command to compare the contents of two files and highlight the
# differences between them
cp facts.txt facts2.txt
echo "Brazil is a country." >> facts2.txt
diff facts.txt facts2.txt

# du command to view file size
du -b facts.txt

# wc counts the number of lines, words, and characters in a file
wc facts.txt

# file command determine a file’s type
file facts.txt

# sort command to sort text files
sort facts.txt

# uniq command to omit repeated lines in a file.
uniq facts.txt

# grep print the lines of text that match a specific pattern
grep green facts.txt
ls | grep txt

# sed to filter and transform text
sed 's/Sky/Cloud/' facts.txt
# To overwrite (edit) the file, you can use the -i option
sed -i 's/Sky/Cloud/' facts.txt

# tr command to translate characters
cat facts.txt | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]
cat facts.txt | tr -d ' '

# awk powerful tool to analyze and process text
awk '{print $1}' facts.txt
awk '{print $1,$2}' facts.txt
awk '/red/{print}' facts.txt

# wildcard characters 
# Wildcard What it does
# * Matches any character(s).
# ? Matches any single character.
# [characters] Matches the characters that are members of the set characters. For example, [abc]
# [!characters] Matches any character that is not a member of the set characters. For example, 
#               [!abc] will match any character that is not a, b, or c.
# [[:class:]] Matches any character that is a member of the character class.
ls -l [af]*

# Character Class
# [:alnum:] Represents all the alphanumeric letters, that is, any letter or number.
# [:alpha:] Represents all alphabetic letters, that is, any letter.
# [:digit:] Represents all digits, that is, any number.
# [:lower:] Represents any lower case letter.
# [:upper:] Represents any upper case letter.
ls -l *[[:upper:]]

# find command to search for files 
find /home -name "*.txt"
find / -size +100M
find / -size +50M -size -100M

# list all the processes that are owned by a specific user
ps -u

ps -ef

# There are two types of processes in Linux:
# Foreground processes
# Background processes
whatis yes
yes hello
# kill the process by hitting the Ctrl + C key
# background process by adding the ampersand character
gedit pruebatext.txt &
kill -9 PID

# Network
# ping reach any remote host (server) on the internet

# to view the available network interfaces on your system
ip link show
nmcli device status
route -n
netstat -rn
ip route

# get a file from a url
numwc1=$(wc -w shakespeare.txt | cut -d " " -f 1)
echo "The number of words in shakespeare.txt is $numwc1" > results.txt

# count frequency of word ophelia in shakespeare.txt
countophelia=$(grep -o Ophelia shakespeare.txt | wc -l)
echo "The frequency of Ophelia is $countophelia"

# display all network addresses of the host
hostname -I

# number of commands in /usr/bin
ls /usr/bin | wc -l

# number of commands in linux
compgen -backc | wc -l

# calculator language
echo "15/4" | bc 
echo "15/4" | bc -l
echo "scale=2; 15/4" | bc -l

# Creating an archive
# tar To create an archive
# tar -cvf archive_name files
tar -cf /root/backup/scripts.tar *.sh

# to see the contents of an archive
# tar -tf archive

# Extracting archive files
# tar -xf archive -C destination

# Compressing with gzip
# You can compress an archive file with gzip by using the -z option 
# with the tar command
# tar -czf compressed_archive archive_name
tar -czf scripts.tar.gz scripts.tar
# You can compress an archive with bzip2 compression by using the -j 
# option with the tar
# bzip2 is slower than gzip but does a better job of compressing 
# files to smaller sizes
tar -cjf scripts.tar.bz2 scripts.tar
# Extracting .tar.gz files
tar xvzf file.tar.gz
# To extract the .gz file without tar
gunzip file.gz

Shell Scripts

Introduction to Shell Scripts

Simple Scripts

Stringing commands together on a line with sequential processing, background processing or pipes is an extremely useful tool for a limited number of commands. To save typing the commands repetitively, in the case where you use the same sequence of commands often, you can place the command line(s) into a file. This file is called a shell script. You create a file containing the commands, tell the system you want the file to be executable (so it can be run as a program), and then type the name of the file to execute the commands in the shell script.

A simple shell script could contain the following command line:

date; who; ps -ef; du /users

which executes each command only when the previous command has completed. To create the script, enter an editor (vi for example) and type the above command line. Save the file.

To run the script, you have two methods: the sh command, or changing the

permissions on the file. The sh command will create a new shell to run the script. As mentioned in the beginning of this tutorial, it is possible to have several shells running at the same time (with the kernel in control). The sh command creates a new shell to execute the file you specify (if you don't specify a file, it creates a new shell similar to the one you are already in). To execute the script with the sh command, type:

sh scriptname

Where scriptname is the name of the file you placed the command line in.

The common way to run a script or program, however, is to declare the file executable with the chmod command. chmod is used to alter the permissions on a file. For our purposes, we will declare the file to be executable by everyone on the system, but only you can update the file. Type:

chmod +x scriptname

Now the file is executable, and you only need enter the file name to run the script (simply type the scriptname as if it was a command). Your script will execute, and you will see a large output. Both methods of executing scriptname have the same net effect, they just behave differently at first.

Scripts With More Than One Line

The example above just uses one command line for the script. You can, however, make the script easier to read and contain more than one line of commands. Each line of commands is executed in sequential order (the previous line must complete before the next line is executed). So, we can take the previous example:

date; who; ps -ef; du /users

and spread the command line into four lines which accomplish the same thing:

ps -ef
du /usr

When this script is executed, you get the same results as before.

Echo and Redirection in Scripts

If you have a large output from a script like in the above example, you may wish to place some headers or comments in the output and place the output into a file. The echo command will print titles or comments for you. It works in the following manner:

echo "string"

where string is a string of characters. Modify your example script to look like:

echo "Current date and time: \c" 
echo "Users logged in:\n" 
echo "\nCurrent processes:" 
ps -ef
echo "\nUser disk usage:" 
du /usr

where "\c" causes the next line of output to be printed on the same line, and "\n" causes an extra carriage return and line feed.

Next you can execute the file using the redirection symbols to append the output to another file. For example, let's say our file is called status1, and the file we wish to place the output in is called status_file:

status1 >> status_file

Each time you monitor the system, you can have the output added to a file.

Basic Shell Programming

All of the constructs of shell programming can be executed in two ways: you can type the commands into a file so they will all be executed when the file name is entered (after changing the permission), or you can enter the commands directly into the shell (just as you enter commands like "date").

When you enter shell constructs directly into the shell, you can either type them on the same line (and press return to execute them), or you can type them over several lines. For example, we can type the following construct two ways.

First on one line:

if test -d /d1; then echo "/d1 is a directory"; fi

Then on several lines:

if test -d /d1 
  echo "/d1 is a directory"

Typing the command on one line is simple to do in the shell. If you type the command on several lines, you will receive a secondary prompt. The secondary prompt is usually a \>".


In addition to shell parameters, you can create parameters of your own. The format for user-created parameters is:


Note that there must be no blanks between the parameter, equal sign (=), and the value. You can create these parameters while you are in the shell, and they will help you save typing. Look at an example:


When you type in the above statement, the variable x is created and the value "phantom" is assigned. To access the variable x, you will need to precede the variable name with a dollar sign ($). Try this:

echo $x

Using Parameters in Shell Programs

You can use parameters within your shell programs in the same way. On one line, define the variable with the same format. When you wish to refer to the value of the parameter, you precede the parameter name with a dollar sign ($).

One advantage of using parameters in a program is that you can combine them with each other, or with file names, to create a variety of file paths with less typing. Let's say you define a parameter to be the path to a directory:


If you want to print the contents of a file in the above directory, you would use the cat command as follows:

cat ${dir2}/junememo

where the braces differentiate between the parameter and the characters following it and junememo is the name of a file (note we had to include a slash before the filename or "junememo" would have been concatenated directly to "memos" and we would have received an error message). What has happened is called parameter substitution.

Parameter Substitution

When you wish to include the value of a parameter into a string or statement, you must precede the parameter with a dollar sign ($).

Positional Parameters

When you execute a shell program, you can include parameters on the command line. When you do, each parameter must be separated with a blank, like:

scopy file1 file2 file3

where scopy is a shell program with three parameters.

When the shell program runs, you can access the value of these parameters (each separated by a blank) with positional parameters named $0, $1, $2 . . . $9. If your list of values exceeds nine parameters, the values are placed in a buffer, and you can access the values with the shift command.

If you need to know the number of positional parameters (let's say you wish to see if the user included any parameters at all) you use $#. If you need a parameter which contains all of the positional parameters separated by blanks, use $* (this is useful if the positional parameters constitute a sentence or even a command line).

Positional parameters are accessed within the body of the script. When the script is executed, the parameters are assigned values only for the execution of the script.

The Backslash

The backslash (\) will cancel, or escape, the special meaning of the next character: echo \$dir1

will echo "$dir1" instead of the parameter value of "dir1" because the dollar sign is told to have no special meaning.

Conditions: The if Statement

Your shell programs may need to execute a command or set of commands only if a certain condition exists. Let's say you want to \execute the sort command only if the file exists, otherwise print an error message". Your statement would look like:

if test -f $1 
sort $1 else
echo "file does not exist"

where $1 is a filename passed in from the command line. For the case of \if this then that, else if this then that, etc" we can use the elif statement which means "else if". The format for the if construct looks like:

if command list1 
then command list2 
elif command list3 
then command list4
else command listn 

It is helpful to indent to indicate parts of the if construct. Make sure you end the construct with fi. Let's look at an example to better clarify this construct:

if grep jones personnel 
  echo "jones" >> available 
elif grep castle personnel
  echo "castle" >> available else
  echo "empty" >> available


An often used command is the test command. You can use the test command in the if construct to test conditions such as equality. Here are two examples to explain the use of the test command:


if test $dir1 = /usr/bin then echo "directory found" fi

This construct "tests" if the value for dir1 (notice how we used parameter substitution) is equal to the string "/usr/bin".

if test $# -eq 0 
  echo "no positional parameters"


The -eq option is used to test the numeric equivalence of the $# and the value zero. Remember $# is the number of positional parameters passed to the script.

To make typing easier, you can use an abbreviation for test. The square brackets enclosing the options and parameters do the same as the test command. For example:

if [ $# -eq 0 ]

has the same meaning as the first line in the above example (if test $# -eq 0). Be sure to separate the square brackets from any characters with a blank.


If you wish to receive input during the execution of a shell program, you can use the read statement with the following format:

read [ parameter... ]

where [parameter...] means a list of one or more parameters. When the computer executes this statement, it gets input from the keyboard (unless you use redirection symbols to get input from a file). Each word (words are separated by blanks) typed in is assigned to the respective parameter in the list, with the leftover words assigned to the last parameter.


Each command returns a status when it terminates. If it is unsuccessful, it returns a code which tells the shell to print an error message. You can use the exit command to leave a shell program with a certain exit status. The usual exit statuses are:

Value Description
  0   Success.
  1   A built-in command failure.
  2   A syntax error has occurred.
  3   Signal received that is not trapped


To add to a shell program comments, simply start the line with a pound sign (#). For example: # this line is a comment


Many times sequential processing in a program is just not enough. We need a mechanism which will allow us to repeat the same set of commands using a different set of parameter values. To accomplish this in shell programming you can choose between three looping constructs: for, while, and until.


The for construct allows you to execute a set of commands once for every new value assigned to a parameter. Look at the following format:

 for parameter [ in wordlist ] 
 do command-list

where parameter is any parameter name, wordlist is a set of one or more values to be assigned to parameter, and command-list is a set of commands to be executed each time the loop is performed. If the wordlist is omitted (and also "in"), then the parameter is assigned the value of each positional parameter.

The word list is a versatile quantity in the for construct. It can be a list which you specifically type (separated with blanks), or it can be a shell command (using grave accents) which generates a list. Let's look at some examples.

 for i in `ls` 
  cp $i /users/rhonda/$i 
  echo "$i copied"

This example will assign one file at a time from the current directory (the values are generated by the `ls` command) to the "i" parameter. The loop's command list will copy the file to another directory, then report the success of the copy.

 for direc in /dev /usr /users/bin /lib 
  num=`ls $direc | wc -w` 
  echo "$num files in $direc"

This example lists the values to be given to direc in the loop. The command list then lists each respective directory (the parameters) and assigns a word count (wc) to the num parameter. Then the word count is printed out.

 for i 
  sort -d -o ${i}.srt $i 

This final example will assign each positional parameter respectively to "i" (since the in clause was omitted). If the positional parameters are file names, the script will sort the file and place the result in a file having the same name as the unsorted file with ".srt" appended to it. It will then get the next positional parameter until all have been accessed.


The while construct repeatedly executes a list of commands in the following format:

 while command-list1 
  do command-list2

All of the commands in command-list1 are executed. If the last command in the list is successful (indicated by an exit status of 0 from the command), then the commands in command-list2 are executed. Then we loop back to execute command-list1 until the last command in the list is unsuccessful, and then the while loop terminates.

 while [ -r "$1" ] 
  cat $1 >> composite 

This example tests the positional parameter to see if it exists and is a readable file. If it is, it appends the contents of the file to the composite file, shifts the positional parameters (what was $2 is now $1) and tests the new file. When the file is not readable, or there are no more positional parameter values ($1 is null) the while loop is terminated.


The until construct is basically the same as the while construct except that the commands in the loop are executed until the conditions are true (instead of false like in the while loop). Here is the format:

 until command-list1 
  do command-list2

If the last command in command-list1 is unsuccessful , then the commands in command-list2 are executed. When the last command in command-list1 is successful, the until loop is terminated. Let's use the same operation in the while section to illustrate:

 until [ ! -r $1 ] 
  cat $1 >> composite 

Notice the subtle difference with the while loop. The ! negates the test conditions. We execute the loop until the condition is true (or successful). The while loop executes the commands while a condition is true (or successful).


The case construct is an expansion of the if construct. If you have a condition which may have several possible responses, you can either string together many if's or you can use the case construct:

case parameter in
 pattern1 [ | pattern2...] ) command-list1 ;; 
 pattern2 [ | pattern3...] ) command-list2 ;;

After the first line (which asks if parameter matches one of the following conditions) is listed all of the possibilities for parameter. Each of these lines contains a pattern (or value for parameter). The brackets ([ j| pattern2...] ) refer to other values that may be valid. The vertical bar (|) represents \or". Finally, the pattern(s) are followed by a close parenthesis ), and then by a list of commands to be executed if the patterns match.

An example may better illustrate:

case $i in

-d | -r ) rmdir $dir1 echo "option -d or -r" ;; -o ) echo "option -o" ;; -* ) echo "incorrect response";; esac

The eval Command

The eval command reads its arguments as input to the shell, and the resulting commands are executed. The format is:
eval [ arg ... ]

where arg ... is one or more arguments which are shell commands or shell programs. Here is an example:
eval "grep jones $p_file | set | echo $1 $2 $4"

eval will execute the pipe contained in double quotes in the shell.


The common redirection symbols can be used in shell programs.

<& digit

This input redirection symbol uses the file descriptor associated with the descriptor digit. Most programs have standard input as 0, standard output as 1, and standard error as 2 (stdin, stdout, and stderr respectively).


is the format for using descriptors, where digit can be any single digit (0, . . . ,9). The most commonly used redirection of this form is 1>&2 or 2>&1. For example,

echo File $name not found 1>&2

The output of this line is redirected to the standard error (your terminal).

Special Commands

The expr command is very useful for performing arithmetic operations in shell programs. It also has other operations useful for string manipulation.

With the form:

expr expression {+ - } expression
you can add or subtract integers.

 expr $a + 5

will return the string 20.

To modify variables, you can use a similar format to:

a=`expr $a + 1`

using command substitution (grave accents) to place the new value in the variable a.

The symbols for multiplication, division, and remainder of integer-valued arguments are: \*, /, and %, respectively. Note the * is preceded by a backslash (\) to escape the shell's interpretation of the asterisk.

To compare integers, use the following format:

expr expression { =,\>,\>=,\<,\<=,!= } expression

where != is \not equal to", and the other symbols represent mathematical comparisons (again, note the backslash before the special characters < and >). The function will return 0 if the comparison is successful, and 1 if it is not. Here is an example of how a comparison might be used:

 if expr $a \<= $b 
   echo "$a is less than or equal to $b"

Defining Functions

The more complicated your shell programs get, the more you will want to modularize them by using functions. This way you can create generic functions which can be re-used and eliminate repetitive code.

To define a function, use the following syntax:

name() {list;}

where name is the name of the function, and list is a list of commands used in the function. Here is an example to show how functions are defined:

 stat() {
   if [ -d $1 ] 
     echo "$1 is a directory" 
	 return 0
     echo "$1 is not a directory" 
	 return 1

This function tests the filename to see if it is a directory. If it is it returns a status of 0. Otherwise it returns status 1. Do not forget to place the semi-colon (;) at the end of the last line.

Bash script examples

Ejemplos bash

Trabajando con ficheros

Escribir un script que:
- pida al usuario un nombre de directorio (usar ex1dir), que creará el script.
- cambie el directorio de trabajo al nuevo directorio e imprima dónde está usando el comando pwd.
- luego use el comando touch para crear algunos archivos y muestre los nombres de los archivos.
- usar echo y redireccionamiento para escribir contenido en los archivos y mostrar el contenido al usuario.
- finalmente, ecribir un mensaje de despedida para finalizar el script

# several simple commands to create a directory,
# cd to that directory, echo 'pwd'
# create several files,
# put data into the files and list the files
echo "Bienvenido al generador de ficheros"
echo "Que nombre desea poner al nuevo directorio?"
# Get the new name from the user 
read dirName
# make the directory 
mkdir $dirName
# change the current working directory to the new directory 
cd $dirName
# announce where we are
echo "This directory is called $(pwd) "
# create some files 
touch file1 file2 file3
# put content into the files, the directory and file name 
echo "This is $dirName/file1" > file1
echo "This is $dirName/file2" > file2 
echo "This is $dirName/file3" > file3
# announce the file names
echo "The files in $dirName are: " 
ls -hl
# show the content of the files
echo "The content of the files are: " 
cat file1
cat file2 
cat file3
echo "Adios"


Escribir un script que pida al usuario un número (1,2 o 3) que sirva para llamar a una función con ese número en su nombre. Luego, la función mostrará un mensaje con el número de función, por ejemplo, "Este mensaje es de la función 3".

# functions and script parameters
# Functions
   echo " This message is from function 1"
   echo " This message is from function 2"
   echo " This message is from function 3"

# Main script
# prompt the user
echo "Enter a number from 1 to 3"
# get the user's choice 
read choice
# the number chosen by the user is added to
# the name func to select
# funcl, func2 or func3
# the function call is simply the name
# of the function
# put out a line feed 
echo " "


Escribir un script que actúe como una calculadora simple para sumar, restar, multiplicar y dividir; cada operación debe tener una función propia. Se deben usar los tres métodos para la aritmética bash, let, expr o $((..)). El usuario debe pasar como argumento en la línea de comando una letra (a,s,m o d) y dos números. La letra se utilizará para determinar qué operación se realizará en los dos números ingresados. Si se omiten uno o más de los tres parámetros, se muestra un mensaje de uso. Finalmente imprimir la respuesta.

# arithmeticlab
# demonstrates arithmetic, functions and simple if clauses
# three methods are used for arithmetic.
# the three methods are :
# 1)let
# 2) expr
# 3) $((…))
# The user will input a letter and two numbers.
# the letter will
# be a(dd), s(subtract) , m(ultiply) or d(ivide)
# to select an arithmetic operation.
# Functions. must be befare the main part of the script
adder (){
  # method 1. use let
  let "answer1 = $fNumber + $sNumber"
  # method 2. use expr
  answer2=$( expr $fNumber +  $sNumber )
  # method 3 use $((...)
  answer3=$(( $fNumber + $sNumber ))
} # end adder function
subtracter (){
  # method 1. use let
  let "answer1 = $fNumber - $sNumber"
  # method 2. use expr
  answer2=$( expr $fNumber -  $sNumber )
  # method 3 use $((...)
  answer3=$(( $fNumber - $sNumber ))
} # end subtracter function
multiplyer (){
  # method 1. use let
  let "answer1 = $fNumber * $sNumber"
  # method 2. use expr
  answer2=$( expr $fNumber \*  $sNumber )
  # method 3 use $((...)
  answer3=$(( $fNumber * $sNumber ))
} # end multiplyer function
divider (){
  # method 1. use let
  let "answer1 = $fNumber / $sNumber"
  # method 2. use expr
  answer2=$( expr $fNumber /  $sNumber )
  # method 3 use $((...)
  answer3=$(( $fNumber / $sNumber ))
} # end divider function
# End of functions
# Main part of the script
# check that user provided a letter and two numbers
# does not check to see if the user put in
# an incorrect letter
# which will simply display messages without an answer

if [ $# -lt 3 ] 
   echo ""
   echo "Usage : Provide an operation (a,s,m,d) and two numbers "
   echo ""
   exit 1
# set the input numbers to variables to pass to the functions

if [ $1 = "a" ]

if [ $1 = "s" ] 

if [ $1 = "m" ]

if [ $1 = "d" ]
# Present the answers fer all three methods

echo "Method 1 Answer is $answer1"
echo "Method 2 Answer is $answer2"
echo "Method 3 Answer is $answer3"

Calculadora de Indice de Masa Corporal (IMC - BMI)

Escribir un script que pida al usuario su peso en kg. y su estatura en metros. A partir de estos datos calcular, con una precisón de dos decimales, el índice de masa corporal según la fórmula: $$IMC = peso (kg.)/estatura (m.)^{2}$$ Además debe imprimir un mensaje según la siguiente tabla:

Categoríarango IMC - kg/m2
Delgadez Severa< - 16]
Delgadez Moderada<16 - 17]
Delgadez Leve<17 - 18.5]
Normal<18.5 - 25]
Sobrepeso<25 - 30]
Obeso Clase I<30 - 35]
Obeso Clase II<35 - 40]
Obeso Clase III> 40
# BMI calculator
# the bc command is used for float operations
echo "Ingrese peso en kg: "
read weight
echo "Ingrese altura en metros: "
read height

echo "w = $weight h = $height"

den=`echo "scale=2;$height*$height" | bc -l`
bmi=`echo "scale=2;$weight/$den" | bc -l`

echo "Su Indice de Masa Corporal (IMC) is $bmi"

if [ $(echo "$bmi<=16" | bc -l) -eq 1 ]
   echo "Delgadez Severa"
elif [ $(echo "$bmi<=17" | bc -l) -eq 1  ]
   echo "Delgadez Moderada"
elif [ $(echo "$bmi<=18.5" | bc -l) -eq 1  ]
  echo "Delgadez Leve"
elif [ $(echo "$bmi<=25" | bc -l) -eq 1  ]
  echo "Normal"
elif [ $(echo "$bmi<=30" | bc -l) -eq 1  ]
  echo "Sobrepeso"
elif [ $(echo "$bmi<=35" | bc -l) -eq 1  ]
  echo "Obeso Clase I"
elif [ $(echo "$bmi<=40" | bc -l) -eq 1  ]
  echo "Obeso Clase II"
  echo "Obeso Clase III"