Ejemplos FORMS
Form with full elements
Another form with full elements
Another form with full elements
Bouncing rectangle without GUI
Bouncing rectangle with GUI
Bouncing rectangle with GUI
(uses polyfills for IE and SafariĀ )
Simple chart with a GUI
Chart with different types of charts and a GUI
HTML5 forms - good practices
HTML5 forms 1 - good practices
good article
Forms accesibility tutorial
<input type=color> changing the background color of the page
Form with bouncing ball
The <input type="date">
The <input type="date"> using step: attribute
The <input type="date"> combining with the <datalist> element
The <input type="date"> combining with the <datalist> element
The <input type="date"> using the valueAsDate property
Polyfill for input type=date/time that works with IE and FireFox
<input type="email">
<input type="tel">
<input type="URL">
<input type="search">
<input type="number">
<input type="range">
<input type="range">
- Snapping behavior and the step attribute
<input type="range">
- Adding "ticks" to the range slider using a <datalist> element
<input type="range">
- Styling the sliders
my sliders
The form attribute
The autocomplete attribute
The autofocus attribute
The list attribute
The pattern attribute
The pattern attribute with another attributes
The pattern attribute with <input type="url">
The multiple attribute with <input type="email">
The formaction and formmethod attributes
The formaction and formmethod attributes with GET and POST
The formnovalidate attribute
The formntarget attribute
enctype attribute of the <form> element
The formenctype attribute
The <output> element
The <meter> element
The <progress> element
The <datalist> element
CSS3 pseudo classes: styling "required", "valid" and" invalid" fields
CSS3 pseudo classes: add CSS transitions + an icon/marker on the right of input fields
CSS3 pseudo classes: use the title attribute for specifying a custom message
The HTML5 JavaScript form validation API
The validity property of input fields
Custom validation: shows aggregation of error messages + overriding default behavior