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Publications in my group of work

Research Interests

My thesis was focused in topologies for supercomputer networks, both for moderate radix (proposing the lattice graph as alternative to tori) and high radix (studying dragonflies). My thesis also contains, as a related result to the networks of moderate degree, constructions of quasi-perfect Lee codes, which is an approximation to a conjecture of Golomb and Welch.

Outside my thesis, I have worked on on-chip networks, GPU based acceleration of applications, routing on dragonflies, alternative topologies for supercomputers and alternative topologies for datacenters.

Other interests, which have not yet a related publication are the simulation of systems by the use of skeletons (as part of the Mont-Blanc project) and the automatic creation of program and proofs (personal interest).

Publications (last updated 22/06/2012)

(Click on some items reveal bibtex)

Emilio Castillo, Esteban Stafford, Fernando Vallejo, José Luis Bosque, Carmen Martinez, Cristóbal Camarero and Ramón Beivide "Study of Fault Tolerance for King Topologies" XXIII Jornadas de Paralelismo JS2012

Marina García, Enrique Vallejo, Ramon Beivide, Miguel Odriozola, Cristóbal Camarero, Mateo Valero, Germán Rodríguez, Jesús Labarta and Cyriel Minkenberg "On-the-Fly Adaptive Routing in High-Radix Hierarchical Networks" The 41st International Conference on Parallel Processing ICPP 2012

Esteban Stafford, Emilio Castillo, Fernando Vallejo, Jose Luis Bosque, Carmen Martinez, Cristobal Camarero, Ramón Beivide. "King Topologies for Fault Tolerance" The 14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2012)

E. Stafford, J.L. Bosque, C. Martinez, F. Vallejo, R. Beivide y C. Camarero "A First Approach to King Topologies for On-Chip Networks" XXII Jornadas de Paralelismo (CEDI 2011)

Cristóbal Camarero, Carmen Martínez and Ramón Beivide. "Identifying Codes over L-graphs". 3ICMTA international Castle Meeting on Coding Theory and Applications 2011. Barcelona (Spain).

Cristóbal Camarero, Carmen Martínez and Ramón Beivide. "Impact of Symmetry on Toroidal L-networks' Performance" XXI Jornadas de Paralelismo (CEDI 2010). Valencia, Spain. September 2010.

Cristóbal Camarero. Carmen Martínez. Ramón Beivide. "Symmetric L-graphs". IWONT 2010

C. Camarero., "Distance Distribution of Diagonal Gaussian Graphs"., Technical Report. Computer Architecture Group. University of Cantabria. (pdf)