Grants PID2019-104958RB-C43 (ADELE) and PID2020-113887GB-I00 funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033

Interference Alignment feasibility test

MIMO networks are communication networks where a number of transmitters want to send information to a number of receivers. The signals are mixed in the process so each receiver must find a way to decode the message sent by the corresponding transmitter.

There is a technique which is used for achieving this goal: Interference Alignment. Learn about it and also find out our breakthrough solution to the problem of deciding the feasibility of these networks watching the video.

Based on the paper "A Feasibility Test for Linear Interference Alignment in MIMO Channels With Constant Coefficients"

DOI: 10.1109/TIT.2014.2301440



invalid value
invalid value
invalid value


Not tested values

This website could not show in a dinamic way all the cases we would like to, but some extra cases are represeted in a table below.

We use a natural notation that we explain with a couple of examples:

“(4x8,3)^2(4x8,2)” means “two links with Tx=4, Rx=8, d=3 and one link with Tx=4,Rx=8, d=2”.

“(4x4,2)(5x3,2)(6x2,2)” means “one link with Tx=4, Rx=4, d=2, another link with Tx=5, Rx=3, d=2 and another link with Tx=6, Rx=2, d=2”

Scenario Feasible/Infeasible
(4x8,3)^2(4x8,2) Feasible
(4x4,2)(5x3,2)(6x2,2) Infeasible
(5x11,3)(5x11,4)(5x11,4) Feasible

For not tested values in symmetric cases, send us a form clicking here

To study the feasibility in asymmetric cases, send us an email: