Interesting Links to
Bayesian and Neural-Based Nets
Bayesian and Neural-Based Nets
Introduction to AI and Expert Systems
Artificial Intelligence Subject Index (Resources)
FAQ: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bibliography
FAQ: Evolutionary programming and Genetic algorithms
FAQ: Expert System Shells
AI links to research groups, bibliographies, software, etc.
Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial
Neural Networks
FAQ Neural Networks
Groups and General Information
Pacific Northwest Laboratory (tutorials, software, ...)
IEEE Neural Network Council Home Page
Neural networks tutorial (spanish-english-deutsch), with C programs.
An Introduction to Neural Networks (with examples)
Neural networks by Kevin Gurney
Neural networks by Stergiou and Siganos
The Adaptive Resonance Theory FAQ site
Applets for Neural Networks
Neural Networks at your Fingertips (eight of the most popular NNs in C)
Trajan NN Simulator & Genetic algorithm (perceptron, radial basis, Kohonen)
NNDT (feedforward NN)
NNMODEL32 (feedforward NN)
Attrasoft Stock Market Prediction (time series analysis)
Bayesian Networks
AFIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Judea Pearl Homepage
Tutorials, people and links
An introduction to Bayesian nets
Bayesian network repository
Ergo (Win95, Macintosh)
X-pert (Macintosh)
Microsoft Belief Networks (MSBN) (Win95)
HUGIN (Win95)
Bayes Net Toolbox for Matlab 5
Bayesian Knowledge Discovery (Win95, build Bayesian nets from data)
Belief Network Power Constructor (Win95, build Bayesian nets from data)