Interesting Links to

Bayesian and Neural-Based Nets

 * Bayesian and Neural-Based Nets
 +  Introduction to AI and Expert Systems
 +  Artificial Intelligence Subject Index (Resources)
 +  FAQ: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bibliography
 +  FAQ: Evolutionary programming and Genetic algorithms
 +  FAQ: Expert System Shells
 +  AI links to research groups, bibliographies, software, etc.
 +  Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial
 +[] Neural Networks
   +  FAQ Neural Networks
   +[] Groups and General Information
     +  Pacific Northwest Laboratory (tutorials, software, ...)
     +  IEEE Neural Network Council Home Page
   +[] Tutorials
     +  Neural networks tutorial (spanish-english-deutsch), with C programs.
     +  An Introduction to Neural Networks (with examples)
     +  Neural networks by Kevin Gurney
     +  Neural networks by Stergiou and Siganos
     +  The Adaptive Resonance Theory FAQ site
   +[] Software
     +  Applets for Neural Networks
     +  Neural Networks at your Fingertips (eight of the most popular NNs in C)
     +  Trajan NN Simulator & Genetic algorithm (perceptron, radial basis, Kohonen)
     +  NNDT (feedforward NN)
     +  NNMODEL32 (feedforward NN)
     +  Attrasoft Stock Market Prediction (time series analysis)

 +[] Bayesian Networks
   +  AFIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
   +  Judea Pearl Homepage
   +[] Tutorials, people and links
     +  An introduction to Bayesian nets
     +  Bayesian network repository
   +[] Software
     +  Ergo (Win95, Macintosh)
     +  X-pert (Macintosh)
     +  Microsoft Belief Networks (MSBN) (Win95)
     +  HUGIN (Win95)
     +  Bayes Net Toolbox for Matlab 5
     +  Bayesian Knowledge Discovery (Win95, build Bayesian nets from data)
     +  Belief Network Power Constructor (Win95, build Bayesian nets from data)



Last update: October 8, 1998.